Dance Day at the Evening Concert – 13 works specially designed for this event Culture


As part of the four-part program, the organizers declare this year the cycle of daily work and celebrations, the significance of national symbols and the sources of vitality of the nation

. ] "The Day of Dance is like a performance whose expression is dance.With the theme of Dance Day, we have chosen the symbol of light, hope and vitality – the sun, then we will try to spread the light We will fill the stadium with live drawings – dancers' drawings They will be played simultaneously by thousands of participants "We will delight the public with fun music, colorful costumes and of course, a good mood, "said Laimutė Kisielienė, Artistic Director of Dance Day Creative Group

In addition to the new works created for this festival, clbadical dances such as Kubilas, Rugatai, Kūgiukas, Parūga will be performed

The final composition will visualize the will of the free nation to follow the path of progress and renewal, the daily challenges to beat together

Dancing parties of Argentina, Austra Belgium, Brazil, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Germany have come to the Song Festival this year. function () {
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