Director of the Song Festival: Food suppliers work perfectly, the complaint to Radviliskis has not been confirmed


Saulius Liausas, director of the Song Festival, during his visit drew an opinion on the work of food suppliers, the quality of the dishes was thrown – initially said that there were remarks, he There was no material damage to the food, so the food suppliers are working perfectly, and the problem is only one point.

"We have not detected any material violations." It is difficult to feed these people in the first place, "he said, adding that the organizers of the celebration were to comment on the food providers: "We need to reinforce the weak spots."

According to S. Liausas, local coordinators working in the evening of Saturday night, overseeing their delegations, sent information on waiting times for the meal As well as the fact that the food did not stop, the director pointed out that the officials had also been contacted to effectively regulate the traffic of cars and food carriers at the festival's rehearsal sites, and to take care of additional tents.

  Luko April / 15min photo / Saulius Liausa

Luko April / 15min Saulius Liausas

"[Maisto]" It is necessary to wait, it is inevitable ", says the direc festival.

Like the main problems of the holiday, S. Liausa named the rain, on which the children repeated the dishes.

"Forecasts improve, I think, that will actually allow a bit of escape from the rain.Because everything is catered, I know it's a big part of it. But the participants still have great challenges in program preparation, tasting and rain, as well as new challenges and problems.Yesterday, in the mountain park, it was time to finish the rehearsal with the children and to release the children, […] only the adults have finished repeating, "he said

S. Liausa badured to have seen in the media the public photos of the participants' dishes […]. Such facts would be captured in order to take and bring the kotellet to the practice that it was delivered by the service, no neither logical nor anything. "

" The amount of soup meets all the qualification requirements, but when only half of a soup, then i l looks like a very small amount of soup – just on the bottom. It is true that Remigijus Šimašius, Mayor of the Vilnius Municipality, reacted to complaints about the quality of food during rehearsals, blaming the government for chaos. It describes the situation as shameful and dangerous, when "the children (at least part) who arrived at the Song Festival of all Lithuania do not receive normal food during the year, while the children of Vilnius do not dine together "

[Tai] is a malignant tingle and a mockery of the participants. I am going to do everything possible to be responsible for the badessment of this disorder, and for the moment I am calling for an immediate solution to this situation, "wrote the mayor on the Facebook account of the social network, inviting the Businessmen and organizations in Vilnius.The event is "properly feeding the children."

"I already have myself contacts with companies and I already have the first positive reactions from the responsible companies, soon it will be more information […]. I believe that a targeted civil society can do what the government has not done during a long period of preparation for the song festival, "teaches R.Šimašius

tuesday 15min edition An anonymous letter from one of the Radviliskis schools on the festival participants of the song arrived.

Saturday, inspection of the Food and Veterinary Service of the State of Siauliai in Radviliskis schools.

On Tuesday, an anonymous "Bruneros" VSĮ was inspected.

On Wednesday, the State Food and Veterinary Service and the organizers of the celebration badured that the complaint did not prove.

"In the case of the dishes, the dishes were prepared in accordance with the rules of good hygiene practices.We checked the information on Radviliskis, the food was not produced there. This did not prove to be true.Daiva Ruželienė, deputy chief of the State Food and Veterinary Service, the state veterinary inspector Daiva Ruželienė, received the &…………………………… badurance that the dishes of the participants of the Song Festival were not produced in the schools of Radviliškis in general

 15min foto / Daiva Ruželienė

Luko April / 15min foto / Daiva Ruželiene

"I can confirm that at Radviliskis yesterday, when schools did not organize food management activities, all schools were locked up and celebrated yesterday Radviliskis schools was not transported. The food was produced yesterday in Vilnius, various objects in Vilnius, food was produced in Ukmerge, Jonava and one of Šalčininkai schools. The food came from these cities

The kotlets themselves were formed and frozen, not in Radviliškis, but in Vilnius, the company that has permission, has the right – the culinary center of the Company, "she said, adding that the dish as the" frikadelė ", whose production was described in an anonymous complaint, does not include the Festival's menu of the song

as according to D.Ruzelienė, received complaints of taste for the participants until today, it is very subjective too – because of the unequal amounts of portions, because of Delays in food.

"On sick, abused people, our service has no information", – says specialist

According to D.Ruzeliene, service until Wednesday morning there There are four complaints about restoration for the participants in the celebration.

Tuesday 15min ae u information about the dancers who pbaded through the capital of Vingis Park – some did not have their food or the dishes was late, others poisoned the food. On Monday, some participants in the Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy (19459010) complained that they had only eaten bananas and had sweetened teas although the menu included cooked sausages, cooked pasta and pasta. cucumbers

providing three companies – "Riekė" and "Ovantis", while winning 154,000. EUR with a VAT invoice, and Public Enterprise Bruneros, having won two tender offers, whose total value with VAT is 667 thousand.

The Public Procurement Office previously stated that competitions for public procurement competitions were in a hurry – the organizers of the event – the Lithuanian National Cultural Center – were four years old and published the competition only April 17 of this year (again – May The 8th day

When asked why the competition for the search for electricity suppliers was not published earlier, Liausa explains that food suppliers work perfectly, we only talk about one problem and the reasons for this order are unchanged.It is also published not only with us – both in Latvia and Estonia. we do not have a number, whereas there is no place of repetition until the participants spend the night, only the law on the public markets prohibits any publication And this thing (markets Public – 15min) Comes When It Comes

It's a methodology that has never been successful and I do not think it's the biggest problem here. Feed some companies. They are fine. We are talking about one point or problem, "said the director.

To evaluate the festival's offer, veterinary and food service specialists from Vilnius said that they had only one week, there was no possibility to change the menu. argued that the menu after the bidding has been reconciled.

"And before – that is also true, because there are now many recommendations.All these recommendations valid today are […].

Tuesday, the Food and Veterinary Service of the United States. State said in a comment sent 15 minutes after the completion of the procurement procedures, the supplier was strictly bound to adhere to the approved menu.

"SFVS Specialists Comments on the conversion of dishes at very high risk in less risky were taken into account only partially ", – said the service.

  Luko April / 15min Photo / Donatas Garbauskas

Luko April / 15min Photo / Donatas Garbauskas [19659006] Attend the press conference VŠĮ Donatas Garbauskas, a representative of Bruneros, also executive director of Pontem UAB, VŠĮ affiliate, said that they were only communicative and logistical, not mentioning the q uality of food among them.

communication logic about the logistics the one was of them that he had all the food at one of the points, although he had to land in two – so there was a delay. And in the morning, the driver of Verkių Street stopped the repair work and he could not move. Therefore, the delay was four or five points. [Tai] – Any problems we encountered ", – he said.

Later, when the reporter asked him why the food provided by the institution is so unattractive, the representative of Bruneros VR badured that he was eligible. "Bruneros" until recently acted "Kretinga Food". This institution, as established by the Financial Crimes Investigation Service (FNTT), has hidden taxes – fraudulently managed accounts, provided incorrect data on income, profits or badets.

Kretingos Maistas was also known to provide inadequate meals to schools, hospitals – this was reported several times in the media .

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