Do not understand the twelve who go to the most popular specialties


Continuing to talk about perspectives, young people have forgotten about geography. Although the specialists who graduated a year and a half ago did not hear that they did not have jobs or that the work was undervalued, they did not agree with the criteria for evaluating the quality of the study. hanging on the palm of your hand and hitting on odds or something, without precisely specifying the statistics of a few hundred years ago. When we talk about studies, we often try to weigh the perspectives. In one way or another, measure, define and name what is a viable occupation today? What will she be after five years? Even though officially this profession is absent, the rapidly growing urban and urban specialists in the world and in Lithuania specialize in the field of architecture, sociology, ecology and geography. and other studies. Each basic education provides a different approach to the city, the development of its system, and therefore the most diverse professionals have something to offer to resolve complex conflicts of interest. Student – The names and concepts of today 's professions are changing and it will be faster.

Over the last decade, many new professions have emerged: graphic designers, genetically modified plant scientists, virtual currency badysts and brokers, and social media professionals. However, when you graduate, you do not always choose a profession, and you choose an attitude towards the world, a starting point in a competitive struggle in the job market.

Let's go back to geography. Spatial thinking, communication and interfaces are integrated in many situations and life solutions. Stereotypes prevent us from seeing the terrain and their own abilities. Through impenetrable power, students have the impression that the school has learned everything it could in two weeks of geography clbades. Unmatched by Navigation, Geographic Information Systems and the Internet

Unfortunately, these students do not even think about the fact that cities are not chaotic, the state is not only ruled by politicians but also responsible badysis and harmonization of interests. The use of navigation systems is based on the same geography lessons learned at school and then on the continuing education of these professionals. As long as we do not mind badyzing the programs of study or at least knowing the skills that will help you to acquire the chosen studies, a lot of empty words that are not filled with content pbad through our eyes .

As a stone truth, stereotypes tumble, I noticed the sharp critical thinking of geographers, wide opportunities and perspectives, I realized how the world is going. They see more ways, more alternatives, more options and can compare them according to different criteria. It turns out that geography students can actually explore the natural and social processes that occur around the world, relevant issues, exchange information and conduct joint research with students from other countries or countries. academics.

Demography, Climate Change, Construction, Investments, Environment, Urban Development, Cultural Identity – All these keywords are in the world.

Many geographers are happy not to have a lot of competition. After all, well-paid programmers start calling professionals only after a decade of intense fighting in the lower leagues. Engineers or lawyers are so numerous that job offers are no less than the public service. The generous salary of the beginner is also not pressed by the medical staff. Residents' strikes have become the norm … And yet … students continue to hope that they will do better than others, and will participate intensely in competitions. Even though mathematics and drawing, biology or information technology are rejected for every body cell. They will do everything in terms of prospects. Sometimes – misunderstood …

Maybe I will not be?

If you want to know more, give yourself time to decide, or at least take a look at the (non) viability label.

DELFI is not responsible for the content of this article as it is a subjective opinion of the reader!

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