Doctors have accumulated hundreds of thousands of euros


The Tax Inspectorate (IST) publicly unveiled for the first time the badets of state-run state institutions – the largest of the heads of hospitals

According to the portal 15min .lt, doctors accumulated hundreds of bank and bank accounts

Ona Panasenkiene, a deputy director of the Polyclinic Šeškinės for many years, came first and foremost in accordance with personal possessions

According to the statement Ownership 2017, O. Panasenkienė has accumulated 930 thousand euros of badets, and 338 thousand euros are savings. 494 thousand more Antanas Česnulevičius, currently director of Trakai Hospital, ranks second among the richest cadres of the state administration.

The value of its reported badets is 796,000 euros. The wife of A. Chesnulevich further declared 393 thousand euros worth of property, so the total family property exceeds one million euros. euros.

Agnė Dalangauskienė, the third most visited property, she runs the sailing school "Žiemys". The sailor said 691 thousand The former head of the Sheskine Polyclinic, Jonas Kairys, ranked fourth among state-owned government cadres, according to personal property belonging to the state , and the majority of them (EUR 477 thousand) is NT.

Its declared badets rise to 561 thousand euros. EUR, but most of it is 444 thousand. Estimated NT, Savings J. Kairys declared 66 thousand euros

The fifth place according to the badets was found by the head of the public company "Grunto valymo technologijos" Rapolas Liuzinas. Its declared badets – 504 thousand. The biggest part of this property is the savings.

Klaipėda hospital leaders continue the list of the richest public representatives. Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Klaipėda Nijolė Motužienė University Hospital has accumulated the largest number of savings among all managers of the state-owned enterprise – 387 thousand. euro Total badets declared rise to 465 000.

The badets declared by the head of the same hospital, the chief physician Vynas Janušonis are estimated at 448 thousand. euro The former Minister of Health currently has 162,000 managed hospitals.

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