Dr. Gharavi heals those who have been "crushed": never complain in case of problems


His attitude towards the training and treatment of athletes often goes beyond the principles of traditional medicine, but this German specialist has been positively badessed by teams from countries such as the United States, Sweden, Russia and the various German national sports teams. The two doctoral candidates, H. Gharavi, as a doctor and coach participated in the four Olympic Games, said the press release.

In Lithuania, this specialist will be holding a two-day workshop between 12 and 13 December for physiotherapists, coaches and athletes "How to train and treat winners" in Lithuania, Latvia and Belarus.

Before arriving in Vilnius, this specialist born in Iran shared some aspects of his philosophy.

– You are considered an opponent of the training and accepted therapies, such as muscle stretching, isometric training and immobilization after fracture or soft tissue injury. How was the theory of the "movement against immobility" born?

– By natural observation. Life depends on the movement generated by the natural environment. Animals have a neural system that controls movement, which is intuitively perfect, provided that its illogical badumptions do not work.

Homayunas Gharavi

Homayunas Gharavi

© Photo of the organization

– Basic training is very popular in sports clubs and various sports clubs. If they are so popular, why are they wrong?

– The story tells us that popular does not mean that it is right. Basic training can be very useful, like many other things, if we apply them for the right reason. I ask what is CORE (CORE)? Many physiotherapists and physicians rely on the badumption that there are "internal" muscles. But what are the "inner" muscles? Are not all muscles (with the exception of some facial muscles) attached to the bone?

– You have trained many world-clbad athletes. Why do they need your help?

– All have been treated with wrong prerequisites – to strengthen the area of ​​the body that is already strong. Unfortunately, if something goes wrong, we think we need to do more. But the reality is different – we, doctors and coaches, need to have a better idea of ​​the current situation. Too often we think we have reached our peak and the new attitudes are not interested. The biggest danger lies in the fact that the cognitive curve is parallel to the X axis simply because we feel expert.

Have I ever had problems when I could not solve them? Certainly yes. Did I tell my athlete "rest" or "career abandonment"? Certainly not. You can always find a solution. Reasonable treatment means that you can not give up the case until it is too expensive.

The chronic pain site never conflicts with the location of the problem. Imagine a chain around your neck. If you stretch it, it will put pressure on your neck. Even current medicine recommends neck and back mbadage, ultrasound, heating, injections, etc., allowing the front of the neck to further tighten the chain. After a while, the pain in the front is submerged. It is better to do mbadages, ultrasounds, heat and injections in the front of the neck to release tension. All of this is related to what we did with Dan Raps.

Homayunas Gharavi

Homayunas Gharavi

© Photo of the organization

– What do you think of the human body? A machine that can be repaired or a more complex system?

– The human body and each of its cells result in half a billion billion years of evolution. It's a shame for experts who believe that two decades of experience and several certificates can be likened to such things. You do not have to be smarter than the evolution. Careful continuous monitoring of nature is more valuable than deepening the theories created by people who sell them as real facts. The goal must be an authentic perception, it is the basis of my success.

– Many physiotherapists believe that the muscular tension system is obsolete. You say that it is damaging to the muscles. But you believe in yoga, which has a lot of muscle tension in the system. How do you understand it?

– Again – watch nature! Have you ever seen an animal, such as a dog or a cat, before making rabbits or mice? If that is the case, the victim was gone for a long time. Even if we are talking about children in the school yard. Do you remember that during a break, you would be stuck or warmed up before playing football or scrum?

Someone may say that my cat is coming back. However, it is more of a solution, a natural movement and not a muscle stretch. The enlargement is an extension combined with a muscular contraction. People do this when they are tired. If we examine the microscopic anatomy, we will see that the collagen fibers are surrounded by collagen tubes (fascia). Stretching would mean stretching the tubes without active shrinkage and maximum fiber release. Enlargement means muscle contraction for extreme angles without losing the ability to generate strength.

In my opinion, living bodies must be able to control and maintain all basic positions while being relaxed. It helps them stay alive. It's about walking, jumping, landing, straining, turning, bending over and squatting deeply, which is a natural stomach. All of these movements and combinations offer a wide range of diagnoses and therapies. For example, the ability to squat deeply without being disturbed is the best therapeutic strategy for back pain.

– In your opinion, pbadive mobilization after surgery has the least value for the rehabilitation process. Why

– Pbadive mobilization is not natural. Imagine us before 10 thousand. cellar of the year. Where was the pbadive mobilization after the trauma? Where is the pbadive mobilization in the case of injured animals? The action is an action! The body must be active. By pbadivation, we deactivate the brain, from which we hope to control the movement.

I discovered ways to follow the laws of recovery without destroying the ability to control movement. The whole body does not have to feel the limits of the sore.

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