Driver conflict in Siauliai: a cursed man braids a girlfriend behind his neck


Siauliai police looking for witnesses who saw a driver being badaulted by a driver who drove another car

© DELFI / Šarūnas Mažeika

27 June at 20h15 hr at Pramonės str. 6, in Šiauliai, leaving the parking lot, a man who was driving a dark-colored car of unknown brand in the country. No KER 480 (the numbers and letters may be elsewhere), sliding with a girl driving a VW Pbadat, got out of the car and arrived at the girl who was driving a car, squeezed her behind the neck and pronounced some non-cursive words

Arūnas Čepauskas tel. 841 397 840, mob. 8 615 94 238 or by email

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