Due to the marathon, there are traffic restrictions at the border with Belarus


The National Border Guard Service (VSAT) informs participants of the marathon at 8 am will start in Druskininkai and end in Gardina. Athletes will cross the state border at Raigard – Point Privat

Border guards advise unwanted travelers to give advice on other checkpoints during the marathon (approximately from 8am to 10am ). Residents of the border area will be able to cross the border through the nearby Lateřír – Parice local traffic control station. The Šalčininkai International Checkpoint is the closest to the other people.

This international friendship marathon is organized for the eighth consecutive year. At that time, the athletes beat 42 kilometers and 195 meters in the territories of Belarus and Lithuania

pbading through points Raigard – Privalkos, the border crosses about 1300 vehicles and about 2400 people on both sides a day [1965900] . v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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