Due to the thirst of people with liver – Respublika.lt


November 2018 19 d. 11:23:19

There is almost no food that does not contain sugar. Sugar as an incomparable cowboy in the Wild West because it is everywhere. He loves not only diabetes, but also cancer, and the most affected liver is overcrowding due to excessive carbohydrate intake.

Not only endocrinologists, but also cardiologists and gastroenterologists call the alarm bell for various chronic diseases. The fact that sugar is excreted by the liver is also highlighted by the facts of medical science. Studies have shown that people diagnosed with fatigue-free inflammation of the liver take fructose even more than three times more than their health. The excess of fructose and other carbohydrates in the body leads to the transformation of what is sweet into fatty acids. These acids, like the guest without a card, are in no hurry to get out, they become large droplets and accumulate in the liver cells. This causes a liver disorder called non-alcoholic liver enzymes (steatosis). Another important point to note is that excess fructose also increases the amount of uric acid in the body, which is another risk factor for cardiovascular disease because it causes an increase in blood pressure . This has not been proven in a clinical study.

For many years, a consultant in gastroenterologist, nutritionist and badociate professor Aida Žvirblienė reminded that those who wish to reduce their sugar consumption should not be limited to not losing tea or coffee. You should look carefully at the menu as there is a lot of sugar in the sauce, mayonnaise, yogurt, sausages and meat products, pickled vegetables, even sweet herring. The spilled fish by the sugar is no exception to the rule because it is the sugar that reveals the aroma and delicacy of the spices.

-Does it often happen that a person suddenly discovers that she has liver disease?

– The incidence of fatal liver diseases is related to obesity in the population. The more obese patients are, the more this disease is detected.

Such a trend is characteristic not only of Lithuania but of the whole world. In the past, such a disease had affected a much smaller circle of the population of our country.

How to use sugar on yeast is a headache for the health system of economically developed countries. In the United States, scientists have estimated that sugar consumption has increased dramatically over several decades. For example, between 1970 and 1997, sugar consumption per capita increased from 2 to 28 kilograms. If we divide 28 pounds for 12 months, it turns out that in 1997 an American ate 2 kilos of sugar a month.

– How could this amount be formed?

– Sugar is widely used in the food industry because it is a good preservative and flavor enhancer. The same sugar, but the other name is brown sugar, glucose and fructose syrup, agaves, molbades, corn syrups, maltose, sucrose, honey, jam, maltodextrin, concentrated juices, etc. t) Another myth I would like to deny concerns lean foods. After all, it's often thought that low-fat foods are healthier, but that's not the case. With a decrease in the amount of fat, the taste changes and many sweeteners are used. The misery of the latter lies in the fact that they balance the hormonal mechanisms in the body, which causes a feeling of satiety and a risk of overeating.

– To improve the taste, there are hosts who eat sugar even soup? Is it bad?

– If it's not used badly everyday, then that's fine. Remember that one teaspoon of sugar (4 grams) equals about 14 kcal. The World Health Organization recommends not to consume more than 25 grams of sugar per day (6 teaspoons). The excessive consumption of sugar as a flavor enhancer and as a preservative in the food industry is more worrying: for example, 100 grams of hot pepper sauce contain nearly 23 grams of sugar, the same amount of yogurt is leached – 12 grams of sugar.

– If people make rye bread and eat sugar, is it bad?

– As far as bread flour is concerned, sugar is fermentable, which means that it is transformed into another substance. There is not so much danger of breaking down your body. Efforts should be made to reduce the consumption of soft drinks, fruit juices, juice drinks, fruit juices, sweet yogurts, sweets, cakes, cakes, etc. t Even a glbad of beer can hold 5 teaspoons of sugar.

A jug of yogurt that tries to encourage children also contains 6 to 7 teaspoons of sugar and a teaspoon of 4 grams of sugar.

Sugar is also in semi-finished products, which we try to facilitate breeding, because time is still lacking.

– This year, everyone is excited about the yield of apples. But without sugar, it is impossible to cook apples, to make apple cheese. What to do?

– If you are cooking cheese, you need 7 kilos of apples and at least 2 kg of sugar, which is very sweet. The apple cheese should not be eaten as much as you like because it is a dessert. It's like chocolate that we enjoy during the holidays. All that is sweet can not be the main food. Maybe without a dessert, a cake or a cake, life seems weaker, but we can only enjoy it on special occasions and allow us to eat a small piece of food. There must be a lot of cakes everywhere, since there were not any on the table every day.

– Many who offer dried fruits instead of chocolate. But they are soaked in syrup, then dried, they contain a lot of sugar. Is it healthy

– There are people who eat nuts, dried fruits and berries, and later they are surprised to see that they are gaining weight and that the liver is thickening. I want to emphasize that dried fruits contain a lot of sugar, even dried cranberries contain a lot of sugar, although fresh cranberries are acidic.

– Many unseen sugars also contain grapes, bananas, pears and even apples. It's a natural sugar. Is it useful?

– The average size of the grape bark is even 40 years old. Sugar, therefore, people with diabetes are advised to avoid them. Eat fruits with the spirit. If we eat 8 to 10 apples a day and that a medium sized apple contains about 60 calories and 13 grams of carbohydrates, we get a lot of calories and fructose. Throughout the day, with some apples, some people feel good, while others complain of bloating. In autumn, the number of these evils increases, people do not understand that apples can also be tired.

In order to detect hidden sugars, you must carefully badyze the diet, just as it is possible to say sugar: "stop yourself".

– What are the signs of liver fattening?

– Liver disease does not occur in a day. The diagnosis is often determined by the search for other diseases and not by the fatigue of the liver. Ultrasound reveals a lot of information about liver damage. That the liver is larger, it is possible to react also by performing a lipidogram and evaluating low blood cholesterol levels, called bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

It is bad that an inflammation can occur due to liver failure, which causes higher levels of liver enzymes. If hepatitis is not treated in time, regardless of whether it is due to a fissile liver or for some other reason, cirrhosis of the liver may eventually develop. This shows that the high amount of carbohydrates we receive with food is a bit funny. The dead liver does its bitter work – it balances the intestinal microflora, which causes digestive upset. This creates a vicious circle, which is hard to get out of.

Liver disease has no specific symptoms, which means that it is difficult to distinguish these diseases from other diseases. Symptoms such as itching, rash, discolouration of the skin, or yellow eyebrows indicate that the disease is advanced and that cirrhosis of the liver is developing.

Most often, people complain of chronic fatigue, weakness, difficulty concentrating, but few people think that the liver is blamed for it.

– From when does the dystocia of the liver begin? Maybe the fault of the mother, which makes children eat more?

– Obesity can begin as early as infancy, the problem is that the epidemic of obesity even affects young people and adolescents. And most importantly, genes should not be blamed, most parents send their eating habits to the offspring.

Eating is not simply a satisfaction of physiological needs, but a part of the culture. This is good news because controlling our diet can prevent many diseases. There is such hope.

– Is the liver a useful spice? What can you enrich your diet?

– Recently, scientists have been interested in medicinal plants that can be found even in kitchens. For example, curcumin is secreted by the root of turmeric, while silimarine comes from virgin seeds, piperine – black pepper.

Turmeric and black pepper are excellent spices without good hostess. But sometimes the tortilla can serve as a medicine because it not only reduces inflammation of the liver, stimulates liver function, but also stimulates biliary excretion.

This shows that plants are a little explored world, they contain biologically active compounds. The combination of curcumin, silymarin and piperine is particular because of the combination of these substances that improve the functioning of others.

Clinical studies have shown that piperine improves up to 20-fold the absorption of curcumin while silymarin works synergistically with curcumin. Piperine also improves the biological activity of silimarine.

The biologically active compounds found in plants can help many people – not only to protect the liver, regenerate liver cells, but also to reduce their collapse. If a person often takes medication, does not avoid alcohol or if the menu is poor, I would suggest enriching his diet with these herbal combinations.

Anyone who likes to eat supplements should steal his appetite and not attack meals, but consider its utility for the body. Over-the-counter carbohydrates have been shown to turn into fatty acids over time, causing liver damage.

Is life sweet without sugar? Have you tried?

– There are people who carry a chocolate tile in a handbag, because they give it a sense of security, inhibit anxiety. The desire to eat something sweet can be due to stress, not to hunger. Sweets help to forget, do not think about what is bad. This is called emotional eating. The problem is that sweets weigh down the liver, complicate digestion, and sometimes cause illness. We must avoid excess sugar, which means that we must look for other ways to live in harmony with ourselves.

I remembered a trip to Switzerland. At dinner, I was surprised when the waiter brought a small cake about half a finger to the main course. At first I thought – maybe it's a gift or a gift for a kid. It was a baked confectionery, with an accent to complete the taste of the flavor. This is the culmination of a dinner ritual.

But in Lithuania, we usually see a big piece of cake on a plate. We always find that the bigger the cake, the more impressive the feast. But we forget that good taste is a sign.

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