Emotional C.Ronaldo: "My age players usually travel to Qatar or China" | Sport


The Portuguese striker contributed to the Turin Juventus Club after nine years at Real Madrid, when the Italian champions bought him for 112 million.

"To come to this club at this stage of the career – I am very happy" – during a presentation in Turin, Cristiano Ronaldo cited a four-year contract.

C.Ronaldo said that he wanted to be "star lucky" star) that the Italian club failed to win the Champions League. He said that he has not received any other suggestions this summer.

  Scanpix photo / Cristiano Ronaldo met in Turin

Scanpix photo / Cristiano Ronaldo met in Turin

Cristiano Ronaldo scored even 450 goals for the Madrid team and helped a lot He has won four titles in the Champions League and a Spanish Championship since coming to Real from Manchester United in 2009.

"I want to win," said Ronaldo in Turin. – I want to do what I can best. Who knows, maybe I will receive another Gold Ball, but such things happen naturally, "said Portugal, who has won five times the best gold ball for the best footballer in the world

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"I feel good – physically, psychologically, emotionally," said R.Ronaldo – I'm proud to be here

I'm different from other players who think that their career was over at my age and i have shown that i am different.I feel a lot of emotions because i am not 23 years old, i have 33 of them.

  Scanpix Photo / Dating of Cristian Ronald in Turin

Scanpix Photo / Dating of Cristian Ronald in Turin

"Juventus" is the most titled Italian club, with 34 times the priorities of the country, including seven seasons

On the other hand, the Turin team has not won since 1996. Since then, Juventus have lost nq finals in this tournament.

"I know every club wants to win the Champions League," said Ronaldo. – This is an option. But we will fight not only for the Champions League, but also for the title of Serie A.

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