England has revealed how to prepare for a series of victorious penalties: "This is not a lottery" | Sport


G.Southgate himself knows what it means to lose the shots on goal. As a football player, he did not hit the decisive penalty in the semifinals of the 1996 European Championship with Germany.

"Unfortunately, I will never forget that, and that's what I'm going to live all my life," says an English coach

.Southgate did not even care about the network's advertising. pizzas, but he decided to learn from his mistake: "When something in life fails, it does not break you, but lessons to be stronger."

The coach pointed out that the series of penalties is not just a lottery: "I had been thinking about it for several decades.This is not a success.This is not a probability.

G.Southgate n & # 39; Did not reach the decisive final of the semi-finals of the 1996 European Championship with Germany.

"I thought our goalkeeper could inflict a penalty, and that other players have enough address to pocket. I have to thank all the team that has been working in the last few months, "said G.Southgate, who wrote about the work.

Angels have long been willing to list players who commit penalties. There was only one change in this game with Colombia The outrageous Eric Dieris, who made a decisive strike, was shot down by the penalty change.

  Photo Scanpix / Columbia - England

Scanpix photo / Columbia – England

Players were selected based on their performance Penal Stats

This avoids the mistakes of the past David Batty, who was never beaten at the time A penalty shoot-out, was sanctioned by an attacker in the final against Argentina in the final in 1998.

The English players were selected for their training and their shots. ready to beat after a difficult match Island with an extension

Goalkeeper Jordan Pickford badyzed the Colombian players hit. He guessed all the strikes, with the exception of Radamel Falcao.

It is hard to believe that such consistent preparation for penalty kicks has never been done before by the England team staff. It seems that now it will become law.

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