Enjoy the breathtaking view of Mars for 10 years


Mars is often called the red planet, but the HiRISE camera, embedded in a satellite flying around Mars, reveals many more colors.

HiRISE – High resolution imaging science experiment camera installed on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) satellite. With a weight of 65 kg, a HiRISE of $ 40 million inside, a 0.5 m long reflector allows you to capture photos with a resolution of up to 0.3 m.

The HiRISE camera is designed to monitor the surface of Mars. Extremely detailed photographs provided an opportunity to explore the age of Martian foundations, to find suitable landing sites for the probes and, more importantly, to see the surface of Mars in more detail relative to the orbit. Everyone is interested in the ability to specify the areas of the HiRISE Mars surface they wish to capture. For this reason, and because of the photos already available to the general public, the camera began to call "People's Camera".

Look at the pictures of our neighboring planet.

More pictures and their descriptions here.

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