"At the beginning of the year, Katie instagrame commented on my personal photo that I wrote a personal message that I had not noticed." After returning home, the husband I asked if I had seen what was writing to me – after all, K. Price had 1.8 million followers She asked for my email for her team to contact us She even said in the first message that she had fallen in love with my jewels, " 15min told Elvyra Monginienne the knowledge of Katie Price
Katie Price contacted Elvyra Monginiene, both parties decided to cooperate. Typically, such agreements are as follows: the developer gives his products and pays the agreed amount for the registration of the star on social networks.

Elvyra Design and Vida Press Photo. / Elvyra Monginiene and Katie Price
"No matter how scandalous she is, she is still well known in the UK, so we thought it would not really hurt our sign. cost very little money – 250 pounds, to cover the cost "piaro", and not pay for the record.We did not have such a sum, knowing the prices of our stars in Lithuania. I've never paid for such commercials because I believe my brand is not so bad that it should be advertised for money. "
Elvyra and Katie have started writing in mid-January. After pairing, sending jewelry, the first entry of the first woman on her Instagram account was to appear on March 19th. In total, Elvyra sent her four ornaments and some gifts – they should all have been photographed with Katie. Correspondence of & # 39; Elvyra Design with model Katie Price "rel =" happy image "src =" https://s2.15min.lt/static/cache/NTcweCwzMDV4NDc5LDYxNjI3NixvcmlnaW5hbCwsaWQ9NDA1NDU4NCZkYXRlPTIwMTglMkYwNyUyRjE5LDcxOTYzNDQzNg==/elvyra-design-susirasinejimas-su- modeliu-katie-price-5b504737c82b4.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>
Correspondence of Elvyra Design with Katie Price's Model
" At first we thought she might not have liked it, but she was rebaduring everything is perfect and the record will be shared soon. She said that she did not want a photo with my jewelry to be just more beautiful, but I will prepare and hold a normal photo shoot, "said E.Monginienė.
Katie Price informed Elvyra that she planned to hold an impressive photo shoot in South Africa. However, after this trip, she disappeared like water.

Photo by Elvyra Design / Elvira Monginienė
"We first learned that Katie Price's mother became ill. eventually drowned in South Africa too. The media has written that jewels are among the stolen objects. For a while, we do not sit down and let her recover. In the end, she and her press secretary vowed to send me jewelery and she will be able to download them as soon as possible in her Instagram. Elvira has heard about his team: they are not able to handle the TV star.
By calling Katie again and asking when an agreement will be reached, Elvyra heard about her team: 19659015] "We wrote to them later that they could not do that, but they turned to us, promised the golden mountains, and Katie said that she wanted to become the ambbadador for the Elvyra design brand.Finally, her spokeswoman admitted that she had arrived at Katie with a similar case when she did not share the post on her social networks.The spokesperson said that she was already frustrated by K. Price's war, she was no longer in control.This woman has then contacted one of his managers.After listening to this whole story, he sent a letter to Katie three weeks ago, and I was still somebody here. that the instagram entry should appear immediately, he was angry, "she says.
However, even a famous director did not listen to the manager's words: "We wrote to him that we are going to do something, for a long time everything is going on, so we asked that we send back jewelery and money, for example, this amount comes from the account of the company, it was intended for marketing. "

Elvyra Design Photo by Elvyra Design
However, according to the designer, she no longer hopes to recover jewelry worth 1,000 pounds as the 250 pounds. And he has not signed any agreement with Katie Price Elvy.
"All the information is in our emails, messages, I did not really want to interact with the calls, I wanted everything to survive …
We are not naive, we do not have the head perfect … Before agreeing with Katie, we check everything out loud – be it the official team or her public relations team – Elvyra says
And with this example Elvyra Monginiene wants to at least warn other creators that they do not hang on the same rake: "We just want to warn others that if a foreign star comes to them, there is no need to skip happiness, but you have to understand that it can end up with nothing at all. "
And although this case hurts him, Monginiene admits that success always accompanies him.
" Indeed, we receive suggestions from other stars who have a million dollars. followers looking to advertise my jewelry, but now we are very well off with the target audience. We do not need people to see, we have to evaluate and buy. Even before this scandal, one of the best shops, Wolf & Badger, which is in direct contact with Vogue, is based in New York and has always wanted to cooperate with us. So these proposals are much more important to us. Incidentally, Monica Bellucci is wearing my jewelry but she can not advertise it because she represents another company. In any case, it's a higher note for me ", – 15min spoke to E.Mongienin.
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