Exam results are not welcome


After publishing the results of the mature examinations, it turned out that the most successful foreign language exams were pbaded to all graduates, but some of them were laden with Lithuanian and of mathematics.

The National Examination Center released the results of the mature examination Tuesday

The people of Klaipėda can enjoy the achievements of the English language as this knowledge test has succeeded for everyone . There were more than a thousand graduates, 101 by the hundreds, Klaipėda High School, 25th.

"There is no English who has not pbaded the English test, the result is better than the national average. Three of them have got 100 points, the Russian exam was chosen by 42 students and eight hundred students failed, seven students did not pbad the German exam, hundreds, "said Virginija Kazakauskienė, Deputy Director of the Education Department of Klaipėda Municipality.

A physics exam of 130 graduates in Klaipeda did not survive a student, receiving three hundred. 265 residents of Celtic City participated in the biology exam, one failed, 12 young people received 100.

"For those who have not pbaded the language test in Lithuania on July 9, they will have to pbad the exam.The percentage of those who have not survived this year is lower than last year, where 9% of graduates did not take the exam. failed this exam, 862 students attended the examination this year, 10,000 were received.The most exciting math examination for the inhabitants of Klaipeda was the most fruitless. It has not survived until 11% graduates, and last year they were barely 3 percent .The results of this review are just as bad throughout Lithuania [19659003] "Of the 839 students, 91 did not survive the math exam, but 21 were obtained. – regretted V.Kazakauskienė.

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