Famous men shared their thoughts on diet: they do not just have a prescription


"Do I have a diet?" Yes, when I feel that clothes are falling, I do more sports, eat more salads, and give up unhealthy products, "says dancer Saulius. Skambinas

He refuses to turn around, his body mbad index is even unimaginable 19659004] "I see everything in a mirror. Smuggling S. Skambinas

Another method of weight control – a trouser belt buckle

"If I need to get rid of it, I am urgently concerned about the diets ", as if it was a laugh like S. Skambinas said seriously

A surprise story about it was amazing recently – the dancer found a hard cloth jean worn around sixteen when handling things. S. Skambinas did not resist the temptation to check the evolution of his body and … the pants were great!

I see everything in the mirror.

According to him, nowadays nobody is ever secretive, that it is important for everyone to actively live and to use more and avoid unhealthy foods

"However, sometimes, in order to reach the goal, their goal is lack of motivation and knowledge, so projects in which participants are supervised by specialists and advised are very useful, "explains S. Skambinas

The dream of weighing 105 kilos

Dainius Martinaitis, chief of events, agrees with him Life is a constant diet

"My dream weighs 105 kilograms "- a man high perched open

He acknowledges that his diet is poorly understood, he is bored with a weight gain of a few days on weekends or holidays

Bado Diets regulate the proportions of your body by the humorist Artūras Orlauskas, who plays in the Lithuanian film "Plusas" at the fall of cinema. He did not eat the longest week for a week. True, then drank fruit juice and water. Orlauskas picked up a month in America during a long tour of the city, where, after a few days of his stay, he felt that his body had worsened.

"My weight does not change at all because I have a lot of sport.Although the diets are more likely to be women, men who come out to train after the first day of the year are going to be in the gym. have been openly talking about the need to follow the diet ", – says A. Orlauskas

Tricky is encouraged by a thin woman

Gediminas Juodeika She remembers the experience up to Here

"When a woman next to me falls, I want to be even more tired," – badured the TV producer, who came to the event with his beloved Zivile.

G. Juodeika jokes to keep the body weight in the same place as the contents of the refrigerator – there is nothing in there.

"Ziville comes back tired at night and does not want to produce anything She does not eat at all so if we do not go anywhere, I'll do my dinner without eating – just enough to drink a glbad of dietary fiber ", Ensures the interlocutor

Tomas Slausgalvis, professional sports dancer, initiator of the Slim4Fun lifestyle adjustment project.Because, according to him, many people have to constantly worry about how to maintain Perfect body lines, the three-month event was designed.On the course, about half of Kaunas citizens take cooking clbades several times a week, consult a dietician, prepare healthy badtails and eat well. -be needed. "At the beginning of the project, we decided to organize badtails and salads. says T. Slausgalvis

According to him, everyone who met on Thursday came together to taste juices especially as the badtail of oatmeal, bananas, almonds, walnuts Many apples came from spinach, cucumbers and apples, and a combination of milk, yogurt, cinnamon, apple and almond butter. Blueberries and flaxseed was discovered by its fans.A more popular option is frozen berries, apples, spinach and water

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