Feisbuke for a dress in Palanga, a divorced couple: standing out from the crowd is better than being a shepherd


"The coup" was captured by the Lithuanian photographer Vincas Alesius who visited the cities of Lithuania, which has already managed to gain the controversial name in the social space. Nevertheless, the Facebook network follows this artist nearly 52 thousand.

Due to the interest of V. Alesius to capture pbaders-by, even a private group appeared on the Internet – "Tell us where Alesius", in which people share the exact place where works the photographer or even his mood. "Do you think Alesy was standing up? Help others avoid problems (or find a way to celebrity on Facebook)" – posted in the group. Currently, this community consists of 349 members

One of the most recent "remains" of the photographer was the couple Vilnius – Simona and Modestas, who have recently spent sunny days on the Lithuanian coastline. V. Alesius' attention was drawn to the couple's coordinated clothes – the two young people walking down Palanga Street wearing reddish shorts and uniform sweaters decorated with 'Simute myli Modestuką' and 'Modestukas' inscriptions mėli Simutę ". There was also a reminder on the back of the two sweaters that they were the property of each other.

This collage of two photos in the social space immediately received several hundred comments, the content was negative. People who were famous in the entertainment world dared not face – some defended a couple for feelings initially demonstrated, others fainted without mercy because of this seemingly inappropriate, ridiculous or spongy attire [19659005]. "The fact that we took a picture did not see it, when we saw the picture, we felt bad, because we did not want or knew we would take a picture, and even more – the uploads on the social network, "says DELFI," Simona. "

" Initially, I thought of everything … the support of relatives, friends, acquaintances and strangers, we began to think differently, "- said the young

Simona says that Lithuanians often like to strangle a stranger and often only see bad things

"Are we criminals? I'm sorry Addicts? It would be a scourge. And the desire to stand out from the crowd is even better than being a flock of sheep. People often see only bad things, they are full of jealousy, anger, they can only be humble and moralistic, and they do not want to live happier and happier, "she notes. [19659009].

"We asked Vinco to take a picture, but he ignored us, so we finally took this situation with a laugh and a smile," said the interlocutor.

Asked what kind of message symbolizes so much The welly gives attention to their two sweaters, that 's the expression of love.

"Our sweaters symbolize the beginning of our friendship, bring warmth and love.We did not really think we would have as many reactions, because we walked like other ordinary people – at We are about a year and a half together, we love each other with a boyfriend and we see no reason to hide it. "- DELFI says to Simona

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