Find out what would happen to your smartphone if it did not contain Google?


Most of us have probably already heard about the conflict between the US government and the Chinese company Huawei. As soon as the Chinese giant was blacklisted, US companies were sanctioned, including Google. All Huawei phone owners can live and move quietly, but what would your smartphone look like if we did not have a set of Google services?

Let's try to briefly badyze the potential benefits, if any, and, of course, the disadvantages. We also wish to note that the article is based on Androidpit information that tested the OnePlus 5 smartphone without the Google services. To this end, the operating system Lineage OS, developed under Android 9 Pie, was used.

Find out what would happen to your smartphone if it did not contain Google?

The first changes are visible as soon as the phone is turned on

So, you can notice the first changes as soon as you press the power button. As soon as the operating system is infected and the first setups begin, we find that they are not so many: choose a Wi-Fi network, search for Android updates, set up the phone lock and anything we can use on the phone. Yes, no connection to your Google Account, no privacy, security, backup, etc.

So, the first time you start, you will immediately notice that there are no Google gadgets still present. No Youtube browser, Gmail or even Chrome. Of course, you can not download them because you do not have a Play Store, but the problem is solved. Android being an open source platform, there are a number of alternatives to virtually any application that can only be installed on the phone.

Search for Alternatives at Play Store

The Androidpit team decided to use the F-Droid store as an alternative to what Google gave us. There are a few thousand gadgets in this store, which is lower than the official Play Store. So, the disadvantage is clear but there is one advantage: all the gadgets are free.

In the same F-Droid store, you can find a Yalp Store app that can make your life a lot easier. This gadget is like a backup door on the Play Store. It uses fake Google accounts, which allows you to download almost all existing applications on the Google Store. Of course, you will not be able to download paid gadgets.

Certainly, most major manufacturers, especially those based in China, have their own alternatives to the Google Play Store. Therefore, if you buy a phone without Google gadgets, you will probably find a manufacturer's store there. Well, if you do not find it, you already know what to do.

Another thing to mention is the update of the gadgets. The Google Play Store was able to update your apps in the background with its Android privileges. The F-Droid store mentioned above can also do this, but most others, including the Yalp store, can not do it in the background. This means that your phone will ask for it each time you want to install the selected gadget. This will be due to the fact that a new version of a particular application will simply be re-registered.


Who will work and what will not work on my phone without Google?

Alternatives can always be found, but the fundamental question is always the same. So what will not work? First, let's start with what will work, and then briefly review the losses.

Everything will work basically, but it will use alternative gadgets and perhaps less well developed. Finding an alternative is not always the best choice, but if there are no other situations, it will be. You will find below a list of gadgets that you can install one way or another on your phone and do not have the Google Service Pack.

Who will work and what will not work on my phone without Google?

Of course, it's not all about the gadget, and we're sure you can find your favorite or any other alternative to download in just about any situation. However, as we have said, this has some disadvantages. Although all applications work, the performance is certainly not perfect.

Some features may not work, some may just shut down your gadget, but the most important problem starts with synchronization. If your phone comes with a set of Google services, you do not even need to change your mind, but if you do not have it, you'll have to do it yourself. This means that you will have to organize the synchronization of your e-mails, photos, contacts and backups yourself.

What else do I need to know about a phone without Google?

As you probably know, a smartphone without Google Apps is not a huge tragedy, but it will undoubtedly require additional knowledge and time. You will have to download everything yourself, set many parameters, but this is possible. Of course, this will include some shortcomings that we have already mentioned.

If one day in Huawei, the phones or phones of another manufacturer did not leave the service package of Google, they would survive and some deficiencies could be turned into a certain advantage. First, your phone will run faster than all Google services and gadgets. Secondly, you will have more privacy because no one will collect information about your browsing habits, and so on.

It should also be borne in mind that various manufacturers are also aware of all the strengths and weaknesses of Android. In case of loss of access to Google services, we can even be sure that the solution will be. If an ordinary user can survive such an adventure, imagine what those who generate money can offer.

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