Flicker of Mr Šalčiūtė's confession: "Father damaged my mother's life, now he wants to break me" | names


"I have been a householder since the age of 15. I had to deal with everything myself to keep.When everyone loved the youth, the teenager's life, had fun and spent carelessly with friends, I was looking for where to find money for exercises.I would sacrifice everything – popularity, awareness, if only someone makes time and gives a chance to be happy. ", – Monika Šalčiūtė has not been retained in the television show" On the Wave "of Lietuvos rytas.

Mr. Šalčiūtė avoids speaking in public about his father, who she ran and crossed again and again with the whole family.

"He is an alcoholic, if you have seen homeless alcoholics on the street – it is no different from them.It has hit my mother a lot.I have also often gone to school. with blueberries that I was hiding and shut up in. Our family looked perfect, but no one knew that we were constantly fleeing the father of the alcoholics, we were giving up a new bottle, he came in and s & # 39; It is broken on one more time, it has damaged my mother's life, now it wants to destroy me. "- Mr. Šalčiūtė shares these painful experiences.

"On the wave" stop shot / Monika Šalčiūtė

The father persecutes a girl and today, according to Monica, tries to hurt her. Sensitive interview with Monika Šalčiūte – Wednesday, "Ant Waves", via television Lietuvos rytas.

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