French dogs are coached with champagne and the only word from President Sport


Footballers jump on the table with champagne and rejoice after a 20-year break with the trophy.

Didier Deschamps, 49, became the only third player on the planet to become world champion, coach and player. Until now, there were only two names in this list – the Brazilian Mario Zagallo and the German Franz Beckenbauer

. However, the coach himself did not pay attention to his exploits and congratulated his footballers: "It's a young team at the top of the world.Some became champions, only in the 19th.This victory does not This is about the players who won the game.We are proud to be French.Two years ago we beat the finals of the European Championships and we are "

By the way, the coach acknowledged that his team had not played a very good match:" But we showed the character. And that's why we'll be in the best four years. "

  Reuters / Scanpix photo / French triumph

Reuters / Scanpix photo / French triumph

Paul Pogba revealed what he said to the team Before the match : "I said that only 90 minutes are spent on fulfilling our dream. 90 minutes before downloading ve 90 minutes and we will make France the best. All people and their children will talk about us. There are two teams and a cup. We will not allow the other team to take this cup. "

  Reuters / Scanpix photo / French triumph

Reuters / Scanpix photo / French triumph

Meanwhile, Olivier Giroud has promised to meet even before the oath given to the championship.France has sworn to shave the hair if France became champion.

"I'm waiting for it and I'll do it," said O.Giroud proudly.

  Reuters / Scanpix photo / Oliivier Giroud

"Reuters / Scanpix Photo / Oliivier Giroud

French President Emmanuel Macron was emotionally supportive of his national team during all matches, but he did not speak after the win.

In the social network, he wrote only one word. (function () {
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