"A panic attack can be described as a very intense anxiety, during which it is difficult to think.The peculiarity of being accompanied by strong somatic sensations is a serious heartbeat, sweating, tense muscles, a person can tremble, breathing increases, chest pain may be felt, fecal growth may increase, urination may be felt, a person may feel distracted as if it is not in his body ", – the symptoms have been mentioned by the psychologist R. Ancelė.
According to a specialist, after a moment of panic, a person feels exhausted, so there is a strong fear that an attack will recur, which usually happens.
"We can imagine a survivor of a panic attack, similar to a human after an earthquake, who carefully follows all the tricks, or will not happen again." After a serious anxiety attack, a person behaves in the same way – body signals are observed as a magnifying glbad and are usually taken to avoid places where the anxiety has occurred, which can severely restrict human life, "says the psychologist.
The number of anxiety disorders is very high – according to US statistics, more than a third of people have suffered from anxiety disorders throughout their lives. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about half of people will probably not seek help, so the anxiety disorder can be much more serious.
When anxiety begins to disrupt everyday life, our work, our relationships, when we try to avoid certain situations to avoid anxiety, it becomes a problem.
The worried psychologist R. Ancelle calls the usual state of everyday life: wondering if we can do the job, if we can pbad the exam, worry about relationships, future, changes in life .
But when does this become a problem? What's a panic attack? Is it just a strong anxiety, or can other feelings be behind him? Finally, how to help you?
According to R. Anceles, anxiety can warn of potential dangers and encourage better management, mobilization, but can become a dominant state or reach such a level of intensity that it is difficult even to think.
"When anxiety begins to disrupt everyday life, our work, our relationships, when we try to avoid certain situations to avoid anxiety, it becomes a problem," says the psychologist.
During a panic attack, a person feels a real danger of death. Although there is no real danger, the fear is very strong.
"Our imagination plays a very important role – emotional and bodily reactions are badociated with it.Panic attacks are like a closed circle in which a person turns.When he is anxious, he takes more breath, the heart becomes stronger than A bad, hands sweat, muscles contract, release more adrenaline.A person who watches his body very carefully takes it as a sign that it is really very bad and that the disaster will happen immediately As a result, the somatic sensations only intensify as the anxiety continues to grow.A person feels completely lost in control, she really believes she can die.However, panic attacks are often repeated and may even to be more intense A person may feel "paralyzed" in fear, not knowing when it can happen, feeling really in danger for health or life, and fears that intensive anxiety attacks will intensify, "explained the psychologist.
In many cases, panic has forced people to seek help or seek help from a doctor. Even ninety percent of surviving panic attacks think it's a health problem.
"However, the panic attack is not a somatic problem." The base of Panic Attack is the imagined fear that something bad is happening to us (though the danger is not real) and intense follow-up bodily sensations, for example, a stronger heartbeat can be interpreted as a heart problem and when the aforementioned anxiety circle begins to reach the level of anxiety, such as fear that the heart s & # 39; Stop it immediately, despite the fact that during a panic attack, the health risks are not real, you feel anxiety – it is very strong and can seriously disrupt a person's life, "he said. the psychologist.
The panic attack is a symptom – it's like the tip of the iceberg, visible and visible over the water. Very strong, disturbing, apparently dangerous and uncontrolled symptom. "But who can be under water, though?" What we do not see Who is behind this strong anxiety? "- questions asked by R. Ancelle.
At first glance, unpredictable panic attacks usually do not occur on their own. An experienced person discovers that panicked people are experiencing some life changes: they are moving to a new stage in life, for example teenagers or adults, they may be living with a significant person or experiencing a significant loss , change jobs, experience financial difficulties or other stress.
"After intense anxiety, other intense feelings may be hidden, for example, it is difficult to anger a loved one, so that panic attacks become a compromise when anger is not resolved and that relationships are maintained, but that there is a symptom, sadness jealousy, etc. ", – said the psychologist.
Ancella drew attention to the persistent personal characteristics of survivors: people, like "not having protective skin", are sensitive to various signals of everyday life. Even a little anxiety can become very dangerous.
"This may be related to childhood experiences, when the mother could not or could not be able to calm the child, and maybe even worried. wrong to distinguish between bodily and emotional signals, to regulate emotions ", – said the psychologist.
Whatever the inconvenience, this can be a secondary benefit. A person who survives panic attacks, avoids certain situations, may not be able to do certain things alone, so the "boss" who helps him may appear. Maybe you run somewhere, doing something like this. In this way, a person becomes dependent on each other, gets treatment, regardless of the price. "So after a panic attack, relationships and feelings can be very different depending on the symptoms," Ancella said.
In case of recurring panic attacks and anxiety, it is important to get help as soon as possible.
Panic attacks can be treated with medications or therapies that help you find who is behind this symptom, try to understand what feelings are possible later, how to manage them, to ask about the future of my relationship and my life.
It is also important to take care of yourself: when a panic attack occurs in a safe and peaceful place, you can sit back and remember that it is temporary and pbadable. In order to avoid a worsening of symptoms and an inverted panic wheel, it is advisable to keep a calm and deep breath, for example by breathing the nose up to four times, counting up to two breaths and expelling slowly by counting up to four.
It is important to learn relaxation techniques, relaxation and anxiety when used intentionally, for example, one by one to contract the muscles or imagine a quiet and comfortable place where you can relax. It's really not easy to learn and start using them, they might seem inappropriate and useless at first. When you are very anxious, you can talk to a calm person who understands you, hears you and can calm down during a panic attack.
"If you are close to a panic attack in a survivor, it will not really be easy for you too," says Ancelė, advising in such cases to try to keep calm, remind the person As this happens, temporarily, suggest staying close to the situation until the end of the panic.
"It is possible to ask a person how we can help, but certainly not always answered.Anyway, it is important to try not to criticize a person, to cancel his problem. In the country, anxiety may seem illogical, but the panic attacks that survive suffer enormously, remind your loved one to seek help.If you feel it is difficult, widen your circle of support , add more people, take care of yourself, "said a psychologist.
The best way to feel good is to get to know your feelings and adjust them. As stressed by psychologist R. Ancelle, the concern that she is very strong may be an important sign that something important is going on in our lives, but it does not matter. It is not always easy to "decipher" it.
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