From the mouth of the medical staff – the latest details on the rare disease of the infected colon


Yesterday, July 23, it was learned that dengue fever was detected in Klaipėda last July. The illness, which began suddenly, struck the young caliphate. This is the third case in Lithuania this year.

Today, Laura Mėlynė, Chief Specialist of the Division of Integral Diseases, has revealed more details about a very rare and dangerous disease infected by a Lithuanian citizen.

It turns out that a person who has been infected with fever has a Lithuanian citizen living in Hong Kong, China.

In June of this year, he traveled to Thailand, m In early July, a person went to Klaipėda, where, after the onset of the disease, he went to a health facility due to illness.

A few days later, he went to Hong Kong, China. Throughout the duration of the treatment, the person was conscious

We recall that the case of fever described is badociated with the trip of a person in Thailand.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), fever has often not been detected because of its mild form, which is similar to the flu. However, sometimes this disease manifests itself in heavier forms that can lead to death.

Mucous Membrane

Dyspepsia is an acute viral disease. The main source of infection is sick people and monkeys. A person is not infected with this disease – the infection is transmitted by mosquitoes, usually agitated Aedes. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 50 million people are infected with fever each year worldwide.

Widespread in hot, humid regions

This disease is more prevalent in the tropics and subtropics. According to WHO, more than 100 countries in the world are endemic dengue territories, and the most dangerous are the African and American continents, the Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific

. After the natural disaster (hurricanes, floods)

The beginning of the disease is suddenly

The most common form of epilepsy is usually in the form of fever, but sometimes the disease can also occur to manifest in more serious form: covered with haemorrhagic fever, death. The covered fever starts suddenly, after 3 to 15 days of mosquito bite: the temperature rises, the severe head, the joints, the muscular pains, the nausea, the vomiting, the rashes can occur. The disease lasts up to 10 days

Use repellents

There is no vaccine against dengue fever, only mosquito bites can protect you against this disease. Avoid visiting areas where fever has spread, especially after the rainy season.

Use repellents with the active ingredient DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide) and wear protective clothing that minimize dermal exposure. Use the air conditioner in the room or, if you open the window, use mosquito nets on the windows, doors, beds.

After the trip (or during the trip) and the signs of illness, contact a health center immediately.

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