Gabriel Landsbergis: Social networks can help elevate democracy, but one person must participate, not his profile


Member of the Sejm Gabriel Landsbergis, participating in the discussion of the Lithuanian World Youth Summit, has no doubt that the country's social networks have opened up many opportunities for immediate communication. They have created preconditions for unprecedented transparency, particularly in politics.

Meanwhile, the next weekend of the Lithuanian World Youth Meeting, Liudvikas Andriulis, is more radical and says that social networks can not be just what is absolutely necessary for physical contact

The public reflection of the form of communication is that people feel safer in social networks and show themselves more precisely, convinced by the opinion leader, Liudvikas Andriulis, particularly famous when the Mayor of Vilnius, Remigijus Šimašys, was taken to a garbage can.

  Photo by personal archive / Liudvikas Andriulis

Photo by personal archive / Liudvikas Andriulis

A spokesperson for a derivative speech in the social networking space said that he has started posting people well before Facebook appeared. One of the world's most popular social networking sites is just another platform in life – after the IRC, the newsgroops (communication platforms that were previously very popular), some of whom do not remember or can not even imagine, their blogs, magazines. Liudvikas claims to write because he learns and loves to write, and if social networks were parents, they would be extroverted, snobbish and very flabby parents who love pbadion. Basically – normal parents. And these are among the first to train a young person and to contribute to the creation of a future culture.

The performer Dovilė Filmanavičiūtė, during the moderator festival of the discussion, asked what is a real culture today, in the first place, the culture of fast consumption – we have a need to live the fun in 2 seconds. Nevertheless, the singer sees the positive side: "Artists willingly badume social responsibility, in their work they deal with the painful problems of society. The pieces of the game become comments in the social space.

I am delighted! In an acceptable form, we try to answer our own questions. Technological changes and opportunities also take culture to the next level. The scenography is no longer just a difficult stage artist profession. It combines the power of multimedia professionals, computer scientists. We read the book in virtual reality, install virtual movie theaters and bomb robots on music scenes. "Doville admits that he looks forward to what's going on and reminds us that blending the constant blooming with the good literature store or the last piece of Oscar Korshunov is essential to keep a strong cultural base under our feet

  Photo by personal archive / Dovilė Filmanavičiūtė

Photo by personal archive / Dovilė Filmanavičiūtė

D. Filmanavičiūtė reveals that social networks are constantly teaching him an enormous responsibility. "I was going to weigh my words especially when I clearly understood the sentence that I had written or some of its effects on people. Sorry, source of inspiration or even provocative. It is very easy to blow something upside down or outrageous. It's much harder to fix it. I constantly think about that. I like to say that the wings of a butterfly wing at one end of the planet can cause a tsunami in another. I'm trying to cause significant tsunamis. It's important to me, "says Doville, about the power of the word and its effects.

In addition to being responsible for communication in social networks, the reliability issues of the content that they contain appear. In an extremely social network, an active woman says that to teach factual facts from the other side of the screen is not something that lies on these facts – the only thing that is wrong. case "smooth". It's not for nothing that we talk about fake news or click trends. "The key to understanding and selecting social networks and the facts presented there is critical thinking.It will not be without constant interest, deepening current issues of importance to the world. I notice that "surfing" is very comfortable for many, this is deliberately used and not Karbauskis saves the village of Lithuania, "says Dovilė, who indirectly addressed issues of particular importance to the state. and its political and cultural life.

In the discussion of the festival, which will take place tomorrow, July 6 at 5:00 pm, Agnė Kulitaitė and photographer, dancer Naglis Bierancas will also participate in the social networking network, and in the Instagram network, in less than five months, have collected more than 100 thousand.World Observer.World Youth Youth Meeting – every two years, the Big Ideas and Good Music Festival is organized – three days of news, discussions, meetings and the best Lithuanian music.

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