Galápagos star JP Cooper sends greetings to Lithuania – she is already on her way | names


On social networks, he uploaded a film in which he conveyed wishes to Lithuania

"Hi, I am very excited, I can not wait to sing at the Galapagos Festival in Lithuania I hope you'll enjoy it in good weather. "It's really cool, JP Cooper will enjoy it," says organizer Galapagos .- The festival begins, we're waiting for everything The artists themselves say that this year's program is very interesting, we strive to see everything and certainly JP Cooper, which is simply incomparable! "

actor is 35 years old. And he has everything he can dream of. The first album bought by JP Cooper was "Bad" by Michael Jackson. "When I saw it for the first time, I quarreled: who is this man? What he did was extraordinary," says JP Cooper.

He is a hooded boy with dredges whose rough tusks would make him rather imagine bbadist on a wild beach in Jamaica or near the pool in Miami. Song on Youtube has listened to 43 million people, It is on my mind – 11 million, and Perfect Strangers with John Blue – almost half a billion! However, the performer does not scratch him at all and says that he is lucky when he develops.

"When I was a teenager, I liked to sing what I had heard on the radio, but I never thought I would be an interpreter." All Manchester then listened to Oasis and "I did not listen to it." Many British children had a guitar at home, and I was no exception.In my environment, everyone loved music.I started writing very early. the school, I like to write writing, then it turned into music. "Soon enough, I felt pleasure with the work. I was too shy, ashamed to show people what I had written, now when I read – and, frighteningly, what nonsense – but then I was very young, – laughs JP Cooper. I was late to play with bands, I started solo, I felt more free to share with people what I loved, and the success was accompanied by me. " Oh, you're not mean, "they said to me. Okay, faina. I enjoyed the challenges, watched the other artists move, how I did on stage. But I was not an ancestor. For years, I made music, not money. "

JP Cooper says that he has always taken small responsibilities.This could be more of a self-made music." I was working at the bar, I was playing, everything was not bad . And then I became my father. It has changed a lot. I realized that I had to stop and rethink my career. I can not work forever at the bar, and it's not easy to reconcile parenting with the musician's life. It was a decisive year. The changes are still ongoing, because there are still people who do not know JP Cooper … I think – well, what's next? I need to grow. All humanity must progress. Of course, the number of my song reviews are fainah, but the most important – to improve. That makes me happy, "said JP Cooper in an interview.

On Friday night, he will appear on the Galapagos Main Stage, JP Cooper will be pleased with the audience at 11 pm Before that, Lithuanians will perform" Dubioza Kolektiv " , British Serbs, Tom Walker, "G & G Syndicate." After the performance of the poster head will be organized by "Solo Ensemble." After midnight, the circus dance will be full of "Balkanaktis", while the best Lithuanian DJ will work on the Wild Disco

The musical movement will start today at 3 pm "Your Father", MIGLOKO, Beatrich, "curly bbad player", Justin Jarutis will appear on the stage of the valley. circus scene will delight Ialaz, Tillae, The Bad Tones, Cheri, Free Finga & Keanu Blunt, the Messiah.The program of tomorrow – Tickets on the Festival page or the door can be made for two days or just a Saturday ticket.

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