Gender characteristic of women who annoys men


Of course, such a generalization would not be offended – not all women like shopping, and all men do not hate it. It's easy to find men who leave their women on benches when their favorite store has received a new shipment. But let's face it – women love to shop more than men and this stereotype is not broken.

Even more – he has a very simple and logical explanation. Ten thousand years ago, people lived in small communities of hunter-voters. They were organized into large families, all sharing food and work. Men had a more dangerous job, like hunting. And here, women had to take care of their children, so time spent less concentration and silence – collecting fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs. Scientists believe that such a way of life was not very difficult – active people were working between 15 and 20 hours a week. Women, by the way, worked more. A large hunted animal guaranteed food for a few days, and here it was natural food gathering and the need to take care of children daily.

It is also interesting that the meat of this community does not eat so much. Various calculations show that meat represents only 20% of the diet of these people. Thus, women's work is extremely important and responsible, even though it is less dangerous than men. And what did they do? Go from one tree to another, in search of ripe fruits and suitable for consumption. We do not remember anything?

This means that in the gift collection, the attention of men is more concentrated. They can not have deer for a long time, so they must act quickly, efforts must be concentrated. The result can be positive (deer hunted or pants bought) or negative (deer escaped and pants discovered). During this time, women of choice could choose bad plants, even poisonous, unscrewed fruit or bring parasites to the family. So their minds could not be "at least something," they had to pay attention to the qualitative aspects of the good. So, the next time you sit on the bench, you indulge your expectations, remember that it is a trait of the old coded genes, which guarantees that they will always be beautiful. As a result, your pants are too big for you, and your daughter's clothes are not only great, but are harmonious, fashionable and of high quality.

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