Gifts of Visvaldas Matijositis: the son of a politician has enriched a million, but the CEEC have forgotten to declare


V. Matijošaitis reported to non-public people last year about 430 thousand people. euro zone with a building, 68 thousand. euro real estate, apartment for 96 thousand euros. EUR 126 000 in cash in euro – to approximately EUR 722 000.

V. Matijošaitis distributed these gifts after Christmas – December 27, last year

Although V.Matioshaitis does not specify who went to Christmas grandfather, he does not hide – children awarded.

] "As you know, I have been a widow for five years now, and with Irute forever, we made the decision to take care of our children, our grandchildren and their future. do it for our decision.It is a real estate that I gave to my sons to give them later to their grandchildren ", – the commentary of the Mayor 15min was handed by his adviser Tomas Grigalevicius


V. Matyoshashi does not specify the property that a son gave him. However, one of his sons, Dainius Matijošaitis, is himself a politician and the gifts he receives should be declared by the Chief Ethics Commissioner (VTEK) himself. However, Kaunas City Council member did not do it.

True, the property tax return submitted by the Tax Inspectorate (IST) D.Matijosaitis indicates enrichment. According to data provided by the Tax Inspectorate, the value of real estate held by Mr. Matīssaitis per year increased by about 890 thousand. and 165,000 others for plots.

This shows that D. Matijosaidis has enriched more than one million euros in one year, although his father gave his two sons a total of 722 thousand euros.

D.Matioshaitis declares forgetting

As it happened, we wondered D.Matioshaitis. He started the conversation with his questions

"What do you think, what happened in the case of the DMI statement, but not in the political lines?" humans that I could not complete these statements, and that happened, "says D.Matiosashi.

"Does this matter to you which apartment the son was given?" – continued the series of questions on the Kaunas municipality

  Aliya Koroliov / 15min Photo by Dainius Matiyosyati

Aliya Korolev / 15min Photo by Dainius Matiyosyati

After explaining that his father V.Matioshaiti ordered the donation of three real estate objects and 126 thousand. In money, D.Matioshi was badured that he was only getting himself an apartment and money. What amount and what value the apartment received by the policy does not say memory. He could not explain why the value of the objects and money donated by his father amounted to 722 thousand. Euro, and only his personal wealth per year – 1 million. 56 thousand

According to data provided by the National Tax Inspectorate, in 2016, D.Matioshaitis had badets, shares and money for 1.5 million. Euro, and in 2017 already for 2.5 mln. euro Politicians also have 138 thousand. loan in euros, which fell by only 2 thousand a year.

One does not remember the value of gifts

However, that during the year his holdings increased by one million euros, D.Matioshaitis can not believe.

No, some too big numbers. I do not get enough work, – said D.Matioshaitis.

"No, some big numbers, I do not get any more, how much I earn is very good, all the rest, where there are such explosions, is not a secret: these are internal family arrangements and daddy 's gifts to my brother and sometimes to wealth – sometimes money.There may be too many things here.There was a gift of the apartment and the l & # 39; Money, but not so far, "he explained.

"I do not really remember the value of these gifts.We help the company to complete these declarations.There are two big expensive apartments there for more than 300 thousand euros in different places to Kaunas, so it appeared that the father had bought them, then the blind man made a finger to who belonged to the apartment, and it was with the idea that it was not. was neither for me nor for my brother and for his grandchildren, "adds the Kaunas council deputy, received a gift violated the law and promised to do so correctly this week.

" I've already done a statement, as explained, in violation of the law, very, imagine that I will overcome it, I will fill it and will really see everything, what the dad was completed with. It's just my negligence. We fill out all tax returns with great responsibility, because we consider this place to be more important, and the statement of interests, so that it came out, that they forgot. We know what the father is pbading and everyone has been told publicly, yes, we have forgotten the word. "

D.Matijošaitis The last statement of the VTEK was updated in 2014. December It states that it has received a policy to receive only a cash gift – 330 thousand.

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