Gintarė Karaliūnaitė, who is counting on the last days of the marriage, is open: men's threats do not stop until now


During the whole process, the couple who had blamed themselves for the prosecution had left the courtroom again because another meeting would be held

on Thursday, Prior to the meeting, Gintare argued that her main purpose, which she pursues in this divorce case, is to ensure the well-being and safety of your daughter. According to a woman, Marco is currently threatened by her that if a court decision is unfavorable to her, she will take action. The woman did not show what steps the man had promised to take.

There is no secret that in this case there are also material divisions. Amber did not want to reveal specific amounts, but she said it would not affect her financially.

The divorce petition would not prevent her husband from seeing his daughter, Gintare was adamant.

"He sees it and creates no obstacles. . The last time he met his daughter last Sunday, "said the singer,

However, as before the last days, Marco accused Gintaras of applying Lithuanian law and argued that He was not allowed to work in our country.He was not excited to be looking forward to speeding up the process of troubling the business. artist, before entering the meeting behind closed doors, continued to make fun: "I'm afraid to have my last name."

Idyllic to the threats of coping

Canadian Common Life and Well-Known Divorces but, unfortunately, Happy Spouses Did not See It

After the wedding, Mr. André Canuel wrote in his facebook questionnaire: "Finally, I found the only one whose dreams, ambitions of life, desire to travel and do good deeds coincide with myself.

She makes me feel like God and I'm going to make sure she feels like a real queen with me. "

Gintarė also showed his love for his spouse to be indestructible.The two women who survived the divorce finally seem to meet their chosen.

In 2014, Gintare's daughter and Marco, Sofia, was born. Man continued to be proud of his chosen, gave his most expensive gifts and just enjoyed family life.However, such idyll did not last long.

A year after the birth of his daughter Marc left Lithuania and fled to his native Canada, so the man wrote on his social networking network about how Gintare wanted to take his daughter, blaming his friends for deception, and claimed to survive for the better part of his life

After the year 2018, Marco returned to Lithuania after a real horror in the homeland of Gintare – he tried to enter the house, resisted the police and then was arrested and handed over to the Commiss police, he continued to run wild. about experiences of violence, the loss of a baby in both directions, threats to cope and take away and take his daughter Sofia to Canada. Marco then categorically denied these accusations, but acknowledged that the police commissioners were behaving inappropriately, but explained their actions in a cold-blooded manner.

The charges were pounded on the edges

2018 February Finally, legal proceedings were initiated for the dissolution of the Canadian and the performer. Throughout the case, Marco accused his daughter of various things – from tax evasion to mental disabilities.

Gintare, as in the past, refrained from commenting, but without having determined the lie of an ex-wife, she decided not to go away. stated that all of Marco's stories are intended solely for public support and perhaps a more favorable court decision, while the psychological problems themselves are Canadian

Gintare, who has already been divorced, says that she will start a new life. While her husband and family were fighting in court, the woman stopped her musical career, but now, as the singer sings, she comes back on stage

and prepares a new series, but without success, to write, illustrate and publish a book of fairy tales.

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