Girls rape the "alpha male" attitude towards women: compare with dead leaves


News of Irina Arutiunian detained in Vilnius shocked Lithuanian society. For many years, girls and women have been in the habit of talking and teaching to the man who leads the subject, who is suspected of a particularly serious crime.

It is reported that occasional girls were reported as victims of this man. R. Arutunian was a self-portrait of a photographer, fake girlfriends were kidnapped, hungry, then suspected and raped. The police do not report the number of victims of this person.

Manga boasts of "victories"

In his videos, A. Arutiunian was reprimanded several times while he was able to seduce a girl in less than an hour. Not only did he showcase his accomplishments, but he also enjoyed the achievements of his students.

In one of his most recent videos, he talks about finding a girlfriend or a wife online. The attitude of a certain alpha-man towards women reveals a quote, in which A. Arutiunian part of women equals the counters.

"Atmata is a reality of the results of a woman or a girl who does not get attention, then she goes to the Internet, they are often controlled by my mother, they are not beautiful. only need to be lying on a date, and they must be excited after a visit, "said A.Arutunian in one of his latest videos.

Two weeks ago, in early July, charges were laid against A. Arutiunian in the public space. It has been alleged that a man invites minors to take pictures. In the aforementioned video, A. Arutiunian also denied these allegations. "It's an opinion.These are not facts.Someone has written and it has given me more harm.The ratings have risen right away.But this is an opinion. Let journalists write what they want, "A. Arutiunian is looking forward to "advertising".

Unexpected News of Public Servants

The portal wrote that the criminal police of the capital arrested a photographer having named a person who fascinated girls in the photomodel career and those who were stunned and raped. "The preliminary investigation into the crime committed by the Criminal Investigation Department of the Vilnius Criminal Police General Investigation on Serious Crimes revealed that the person presenting Dovydas on the Internet is looking for girls who want to become photo models", said Reporters Without Borders.

Having promised the international model of a career, he accepts a photo shoot, takes a girl to an apartment in Vilnius, takes pictures and later, perhaps stunned by unidentified preparations and using his condition of impotence, badually relates to the will of the victim. the hidden cameras were detected. It is possible that photoshoot and hidden cameras were used for criminal purposes.

"There is evidence that in such circumstances, girls who have suffered are more likely than those known to the police, if you were in similar circumstances but did not go to the police or if you know of such victims, please contact the general emergency number 112 or call the Operational Department of the Vilnius County Police Headquarters, tel (19659015).

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