goes to Fyniks for J.Dudley


Nuggets' Denver team quit the exchange Darrell Arthur was lost shortly before the Brooklyn Nets member because he was redefined.

For 30 years, the attacker's 206 cm approaching Fyniks. Jared Dudle and the second round of the Newcomers' Exchange Summit in 2021.

D.Arthur played just 19 games last season, collecting 2.8 points and recapturing 0.8 the ball He will win $ 7.4 million and will become an independent agent in the summer of 2019.

J.Dudley, 33 years old and 201 years old, will earn 9.5 million more during the next season. Dollars He threw an average of 3.2 points, bounced 2 balls and made 1.6 earnings transfers.

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