Greta Lebedev gave birth to a boy: gave Alexander Kazakevich a rare name | names


"This is our angel – Eldar", – the brilliant message in social networks was reported by Mother Greta Lebedev.

Both Gretel and Alexander are the first and most anticipated. A couple after the August wedding was happy to talk about a more generous family.

"Some people plan, others do it in an unplanned way. But the kid is really going to be our next step. It does not matter if the girl or the boy is the most important, in good health, "Alexander Kazakevich smiles at once

However, Eldar Kazakevich will certainly not be the first and the last offender in the family of Greta and Alexander. The sports coach mentioned that he was dreaming and more.

"I come from a family of four, and Alexander is five years old, so we really dream of two or three kids, like God the "In August of the same couple in August, one of the most beautiful, St. Apostles, the Peter and Paul Church, swore an oath," she said. Another for everlasting love.Then they cut the rings after almost four years of friendship

15min recalls that Greta and Alexander met at the night club, where they then presented the group "Other" with their colleague and close dog, Indre Burlinskaite.Jokingly, it was possible for me to get married A few years ago – after Alexandre Greta decided to leave three months after the beginning of their friendship, the couple became involved in 2014, a symbolic Valentine's day

. The circumstances were reported to them: it is work, these are various projects, what other activities have done. However, about half a year after the big vacation, the family started living in a dream – their families would soon be raised.

YES ALSO READ: The Olympian Alexander Kazakevich married Greta Lebedev in one of the most beautiful churches [function] Function init_fbpixel () {
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