Guoga's visit to the peasants' meeting reinforces the language of its true purpose


Although the former member of the Lithuanian Liberal Movement did not pay attention to his participation in the LSSR badembly, the experts consider it differently and see some political remarks at the visit of the Lithuanian Liberal Movement. MEP

Political scientists do not exclude the visit of a MEP. in 2019 in the fight for the post of mayor, the "peasants" can support the candidacy of A. Guoga

Guoga himself, claiming that something is misleading or rival on the mayor's chair, excludes not the possibility to consider various proposals "peasant". Ramūnas Karbauskis, leader of "Zemaiteis" Ramūnas Karbauskis, has already mentioned that the LIE for can not even look for a partisan candidate in Kaunas and support Visvaldas Matijositis in Lithuania

According to experts, it is likely that peasants are looking for Influence in the capital. In the case of the capital, they will behave rationally and seek to support a candidate who has a real chance of winning in Vilnius.

According to them, in the "peasant" party, there is almost no politician who can attract the attention of the largest Lithuanian population. Tomas Tomilinas, who promises to participate in the election of the mayor in the elections, is, according to them, far from the interests of the metropolitan people, valuable and ideologically. Thus, according to political scientists, there is a high probability that "peasants" are looking for a candidate from the country, and A. Guoga, who is able to speak, can be one of the most realistic candidates for gaining support of the party in power. in principle, A. Guoga himself does not exclude. Although the MEP declares that he thinks and plans to resume his activities after the end of his term, he is particularly interested in the problems of the city of Vilnius and the upcoming elections of the mayor of the capital [19659006].

Asked about the possibility of becoming a "peasant" candidate in the Vilnius municipal elections, politicians did not rule out this possibility and pointed out that Virginijus Sinkevičius, with the head of "peasants" R. Karbauskis and with the chief from the Vilnius LOCATION department, he is in perfect agreement. A. Guoga also mentioned that, faced with the situation, various proposals of "peasant" parties could be envisaged

"In fact, we communicate well, and we must admit that there are a number of good works that the "peasants" have done. Maybe something is wrong with you, but you want to contribute and help your ideas. But if they offer one or the other position where I can be their candidate, it is always worth thinking about it. But this is not really the case today. And there is no such proposal ", – Elta spoke to Guoga.

At the same time, politicians have not spared the praise of the work of the government" peasants "and personally to R. Karbauskas: In his opinion, R. Karbauskis brought together the excellent Council of Ministers and it is already possible to see a breakthrough in the fight against corruption in the country. not surprised that the "peasants", party leaders, declare the party leaders to win the upcoming elections … "If everything goes so far, if corruption decreases, why the" peasants "would not continue the elections ? ", – summarizes A. Guoga

V. Sinkevičius does not deny that A. Guoga can get the support of the" peasants "in the elections of Vilnius.In his opinion, it is not strictly necessary to submit a candidate strictly for a strict part V. Sinkevičius argued that the party is open to non

"We are open, and every visitor having a city, I think that he will certainly be able to participate in the internal elections of the department, presenting his program," said V. Sinkevicius. 19659002] "We can have interesting internal elections in Vilnius, and the candidate will be gone or not – we do not have a big preference … Until now, Tom Tomilin has only been declared." We do not have any other candidates, "said V. Sinkevicius

The political scientists, meanwhile, pointed out that they would not be surprised to learn that A. Guoga candidate for the "farmer" supported by the Mayor of Vilnius, according to which not only the visit of the politician to the "peasant" congress, but also the recent rhetoric of the MEP on the leaders, prove that this possibility is envisaged in moment

"I do not think politicians such as Guoga what to do This is certainly not where it would be fun to spend time. I think the interests are very clear here. It is important to note that the rhetoric of Antanas Guoga is "positive" and very favorable compared to "peasants". This suggests that it does not exclude cooperation with the "peasants," says Rim Urbonaitė, a political scientist at Mykolas Romeris University.

According to her, the possibility that the "peasants" know the limited possibilities of their candidates in Vilnius Seriously considering

"Maybe the peasants themselves" consider that the candidacy of A. Guoga n. may not be a shot. Although Annanas Guoga is a risky candidate, he can very well play in elections, if he chooses a good campaign strategy. And the support of the "peasants" can bring benefits, Vilnius is homogeneous and votes exclusively for the law as it is sometimes imagined, "said Urbonaitė, stressing that" peasants "and deputies can cooperate with the Election of the mayor of Vilnius It seems very pragmatic, regardless of ideology or opinion

Virgis Valentinavičius, badociate professor of the MRU, also had similar opinions. stressed that the candidates of the party PLACE are unlikely to win the election of the mayor in Vilnius.

"T. Tomilin, who has already declared fighting global neoliberalism, is very ideologically strong and can not win anything in the province. But it would be much harder for Vilnius to do that. According to MRU, an badociate professor of the time is not at all among the "peasants"

This is one of the reasons he would not be surprised to learn that A Guoga became a "peasant" candidate at the election of the mayor of Vilnius

"I would not have really noticed unless R. Karbauskis finds a better candidate. is not visible, "argued Valentinavičius V.

The political scientist added that there were no big differences between the" peasant "government and A. Guogu, who carry out a liberal policy. For this reason, the doctor of MRU, A. Guoga reasoned and complimented Saulius Skvernelis.This, he said, is another factor that explains why the cooperation between Guogu and the "peasants" is real.

Finally, V. Valentinavicius pointed out, R. Karbauskis has a lot of experience in the election to use popular public figures, and A. Guoga has become the hero who raises party ratings. The political scientist recalled that R. Karbauskis had fully exploited the popularity of S. Skvernė in the elections to the Seimas, while A. Guoga became a kind of hero and a fighter of the Liberal Party

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