"The most common type of hair is directly related to the type of skin.If your skin is oily, your hair will quickly become oily because the sebaceous glands release more fat.However, oily hair can also be found in those with scalp hair, "says Kristina Zacharevich, pharmacist Camelia
The causes of oily hair
The interlocutor notes that often teenagers come to the pharmacy to buy hair products for oily hair, During puberty, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases.The hair is quickly oily for women who produce too much testosterone in the male hormone.According to the pharmacist, if the scalp suddenly becomes oily, this may indicate a health problem: thyroid problems, changes of the nervous and endocrine system, increase of blood sugar, constipation
If hair becomes g This means that your metabolism is out of order. or the balance of water and salt in the body, or perhaps the lack of vitamin B group. The condition of the hair can also be affected by diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea. The hair can become oily because of stress, certain medications, irregular diet. The release of fat is also triggered by certain seasonal conditions – the heat of summer, the cold weather – wearing hats.
What to do?
"First of all, it would be necessary to clarify the cause of the rapid fall of the hair. If it's a health problem, remove it. If your scalp is naturally oily, it is recommended to use hair care products such as shampoos, conditioner and other products suitable for this type of skin. Do not wash your head too often. It is better to do it 2-3 times a week.
If after a day your hair melts, they seem not to wash, they lose their purity, their shine oily and their head must be washed every day. Shampoo Do not wash your head with hot water, this will activate the function of the sebaceous glands ", explains the pharmacist.
According to the specialist, one of the most popular shampoos is the extract of nettle . This perennial plant is known for its shimmering and refreshing properties. The shampoo is usually made of large buttermilk rich in skopoletin, an active substance that regulates the function of the sebaceous glands. This shampoo gently and naturally regulates the release of fats and protects your hair against fast fat. The hair is still light and elastic
Shampoo with white clay is also very suitable for oily hair and . It cleans the hair and scalp excessively from excess fat without damaging the thin layer of hydrolysates. Eliminates the feeling of gravity caused by oily hair.
A fast-greasing human pharmacist also recommends shaving hair with a balanced shampoo of low acidity (pH 6.0) . The main active ingredient is – lauryl glucoside – a lot of foam, gently cleanses the scalp and hair carefully and carefully. Citrus shampoo deodorizes the hair and scalp and destroy the odor of unpleasant and oily hair. They also make hair shine and act antibacterially.
Speaking of the use of conditioners, K. Zacharevic points out that there is no need to use air conditioners for oily hair, and if you use them, it is recommended for particularly oily hair. And apply it only on the ends of the hair, do not rub the roots and the scalp. Rinse your hair with lukewarm or cold water. Avoid Hairstyles
"Another important tip is to brush your hair less often, to not rub or scrub your scalp, as this promotes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and fats hair faster. If you have big hair, I invite you to contact the pharmacists with courage.They will always choose hair care products individually, they will advise you on how to use them, "explains the pharmacist.
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