According to the TMZ, the singer was found Saturday afternoon in her home in Hollywood Tuesday afternoon.
Currently, his condition is not known, but doctors are trying to do everything they can,
Last night, Demi Lovato. 19659004] Vida Press Photo / Damia Lovato "rel =" happy image "src =" https://s2.15min.lt/static/cache/NTcweCw4OTB4MzI1LDYxNjI3NixvcmlnaW5hbCwsaWQ9MzQ5NzI5NCZkYXRlPTIwMTclMkYxMSUyRjIwLDE2NDA2MTUxNTI=/demi-lovato-5a129c193ac83.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>
Photo by Vida Press / Damia Lovato
A 25-year-old artist has been fighting for years with the characters' affiliation and has been treated several times at the Rehabilitation Center [19659002] In June, she released a song Sober ("Blaivi") in which she talks about the fight against alcohol and drugs
For a year, it 's in this song that' s the only one in the world. she revealed that she was not able to stay "clean." She apologized to her family that she began to consume in the song.
Earlier, l & # 39; The artist said he was coming out with alcohol and drugs in his teens, but he understood how badly it hurt him. </ P> <p> The airport is open 9 Sprite bottle filled with vodka in the morning.I could get all the help I needed but I did not want it.And finally, I realized that I did not feel like it. out when I was alone, hidden behind me. Being in the 19th, I realized that I was an alcoholic – this is no longer a teenage rebellion or a way to have fun. Demo Lovato – Sober