Heavy ears and apneka depression? You just missed magnesium


In her press article, Elvyra Ramaškienė, pharmacist "eurovaiss", states that magnesium deficiency is most often manifested by cramps, muscle spasms, general weakness, tingling or numbness of the hands and toes. . However, in the absence of magnesium, you may experience unusual symptoms.

"In the absence of your mood, your mood may also be exacerbated, your nervousness or irritability may increase, some episodes of depression, decreased concentration, memory problems, dizziness may also occur. sometimes, pharyngitis, a deterioration of appetite, abnormal heart rhythm and abnormal eyebrows, "says the pharmaceutical specialist.

However, she points out that you can feel uncomfortable symptoms when you take too much magnesium. Excessive intake is due to softening or diarrhea, especially if the stomach is empty. An excess of magnesium can cause fatigue, respiratory failure and cardiac dysfunction. It is necessary to immediately stop the use of these signs and the symptoms gradually disappear.

At least twice a year

E. Ramaškienė said that in order to ensure the stability of the body condition, it is recommended to use magnesium preparations for at least 2 months 2 times a year.

"Magnesium preparations can be organic or inorganic.Most pure magnesium is magnesium oxide that does not irritate the stomach and intestines, does not disturb the intestinal microflora normal, while reducing acidity and fertility.The absorption of magnesium is also enhanced by B vitamins. Therefore, in the presence of a deficiency of magnesium, I recommend taking the combination of magnesium and vitamins B ", – advises E. Ramaškienė.

The pharmacist recommends the addition of magnesium and good nutrition. Magnesium is found in all green leafy vegetables, legumes, flakes and unprocessed cereal breads, meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products

Lack of work intensive, exercise, malnutrition, famine. In addition, because of stress, anxiety, tension, alcohol abuse, liver and kidney, diabetes, large amounts of coffee and alcohol. other beverages containing caffeine

"However, one can feel a magnesium deficiency. It sweats very quickly from the body. The lack is felt in the spring, when the body is exhausted by the cold and dark winter, "says the pharmacist.

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