Hematologist Rudžianskienė: The dramatic consequences of lack of vitamin B12 – What symptoms?


However, vitamin B12 stocks can be depleted in some chronic or oncological diseases, as well as during pregnancy, in the presence of malignant anemia, says Dr. Hematologist of the Kaunas Clinic. Milda Rudžianskienė, read in a press release.

According to Dr. Milda Rudžianskienė, the reasons a person can develop a lack of vitamin B12 are not one, but for a healthy person, this vitamin deficiency is usually due to dietary habits.

"Vitamin B12 is found mainly in products of animal origin – meat, fish, eggs, dairy products.If a person chooses a vegetarian or vegan diet, she categorically refuses and does not use it for a long time, this vitamin begins to fail, "says the hematologist.

Certainly, the human body has a significant amount of vitamin B12 stocks. "If today you have decided to become strictly vegetarian or vegan, then the lack of vitamin B12 may develop over a long period, but it is still impossible to say exactly when it is impossible," adds -t it.

Influenced by pregnancy, oncological diseases

It is important to note that a vitamin B12 deficiency can occur regardless of eating habits. One of the reasons is the increased consumption of this vitamin in the body.

"If a vegetarian waits or a person with thyroid diseases, such as an increase in thyroid function (hyperthyroidism), as well as malignant tumors, is diagnosed with a lack of vitamin B12 because of it." use of his body more than usual, "says dr. Mr Rudžianskienė.

Vitamin B12 can also be depleted even when this vitamin is absorbed, ie. badimilation "This disorder can occur if complete or partial emptying of the stomach is performed.

Then there is a lack of Caxt's internal factor, and vitamin B12 with food is unpopular, even though the human diet is fully developed. Vitamin B12 deficiency is also due to operations or intestinal diseases such as intestinal malabsorption, "says the doctor.

May cause paralysis and disability

According to the doctor, the lack of vitamin B12 is manifested by a syndrome of blood disorder, ie. When hemoglobin is reduced in the blood, anemia occurs, white blood cells (leucocytes) and platelets start to disappear. There is also a dysfunction of the mucous membrane, which leads to various intestinal pathologies, swallowing and taste related.

"Since vitamin B12 is included in the production of myelin (a coating of nerve fibers), a lack of this vitamin causes neurological disorders.In the beginning, there are fuzzy polynuropathic sensations, such as" ants "in the armpits, leg warming, numbness, fingernails and finger nails.These symptoms worsen before motor disorders – the legs become "wooden", it is difficult to stand, walk, take the cup and close the button "- the name is the hematologist.

Without delaying the deficiency of this vitamin, the disease can evolve in very rare cases, even before paralysis, when the loss of control of the limbs: "In the literature, there are also extremely serious cases of disorientation, mental disorders, of disability, discomfort, discomfort, discomfort ", – reveals poor forecasts. Mr Rudžianskienė.

How to master it?

The source of vitamin B12 being animal products, we can not ensure that its reserves can be obtained only by choosing a complete diet or by using this vitamin supplement. However, in case of failure of vitamin B12, nutritional corrections will not be enough.

In case of anemia, medications are needed, usually prescribed as vitamin B12. Initially, a higher dose is applied once a day for 7 to 10 consecutive days, then the dose is gradually reduced until it goes to supportive treatment, "said the hematologist.

People with vitamin B12 deficiency after gastric carcinogenesis when vitamin is not absorbed, experts recommend choosing a form of microencapsulated B12 based on an effective absorption technology that can be ingested and absorbed by the digestive tract. Therefore, this form can help restore this reserve of vitamins, even in case of disruption of the internal synthesis of Caust factors or changes in the acidity of the stomach.

This method protects the beneficial substances from digestion in the stomach and increases the absorption of nutrients up to 6 times. Thanks to the technological solution of EFA, the nutrients are absorbed effectively, whether or not it is gastrointestinal disorders.

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