How not to lose your head during sales


What is the name of the place where you help with the comma? It all depends not only on the approach of buying as a phenomenon, but also on what you are buying. But the most important thing when visiting is not only to enjoy the pleasure of buying, but also to get a really useful thing.

Perhaps you have already heard this sentence or perhaps personalize it yourself? The shops, and especially the promising discounts, attract us like handles to a night lamp. And that does not happen unintentionally, in itself – it's well thought-out marketing, advertising stuff. The experts have studied the psychology of people and know well what affects our emotions and what is not. Color label, font, product placement on shelves or tables, relevant advertising slogans – everything is designed to have a greater impact on the sale of merchandise of a particular type and price group . ) causes some changes in our brain, the blood. Adrenaline, euphoria, joy or even anxiety, struggle – the discounts really work. There is a temptation to buy what we do not use or do not use or what we will not use if we are talking about food (for example, "two perki, third free!"). It is also possible to spend more this way because not only was it planned to be purchased. In particular, if we go to supermarkets we do not have a very positive mood, then purchases become like a moment of comfort, a price to be ineffective in some areas of life

During sales, a important part of the purchases is not invented. goods, clothing or shoe sizes, etc., or – "because of the very good price." And where other ads are offered for the image of the products we also want to "date", change their status or solve existing or alleged problems. Just why, then, is it far from always being really happy with the purchases you have made?

Surveys conducted in Lithuania show that every second our purchase is spontaneous. If you find that you are buying something that you do not use at all, then you only accumulate things that ultimately take the psychological pressure and occupy the physical space, using some tips. What's more, there are sales in the middle of the summer that make it cheaper to buy everything from … to. And if you do not have all this, you read and see how people buy what they do not need or spend the last money – we warmly congratulate you, you can not read anymore.

Tips to Avoid Spontaneous Shopping

] It does not matter if you go shopping for food, dishes or clothes – have a shopping list. Know what you really need. Plan it. This will avoid unnecessary purchases.

If possible, look at upcoming purchases before selling them. It is not always possible to stay there if the quantity is limited or if the product is very demanding, but there are also cases where you can buy the item really desirable and necessary in half cheaper – you just have to wait for the season of discounts. They have not had this or the last season to be extremely fashionable. These "fashion clicks" do not usually last long because they end up being worn or not enough, they may come out of the closet next season.

It is safer to buy clbadic clothes and accessories. clothing or accessories.

Measure what you buy.

If you buy appliances because of the high discount, ask yourself if this technique will not tarnish your home. Is the old really old-fashioned? How often do you use (and pick up) this extra-pressing juicer? Do you need this hair dryer with three drying functions? And do you need another size? The basic questions will help you understand what you need and what is not.

Take a more critical companion for your purchases. Sometimes all that is needed is a cold voice of the mind, even if that voice is not yours.

Do not buy any strong emotions, otherwise shopping will become a very temporary emotional therapy

Psychologically rush effect very effective. Therefore, merchants like discounts or special promotions for a very limited time. Then, in the brains of customers, there is a sign of urgency and struggle for the state, he is afraid of losing a good offer or using it by others.

Pleasant odors. Better stores have special smells created for them, which affects the emotions of their customers without knowing it. Refreshing aroma of flowers or citrus, fresh baked goods, and perhaps uninterrupted vanilla – all this causes positive badociations and memories.

Background and Spaciness. It has been noticed that in a black background (less often white), products that are rare are prestigious. Buyers believe that these products are luxurious and pay more for them.

Section layout. Our movement in the space is controlled by the layout of sections and shelves. Not in vain, the store stores books, clothes, personal belongings or hygiene at the supermarket, until we finally get to the food – everything is distributed so that we can contribute to the basket all kinds of goods on the way. Does the dress or shirt of the store look like a fantasy rather than a home? Such an impression is due to the corresponding drop in illumination, which makes it look slightly tanned or even lighter in the mirror.

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