How to permanently forget the problems of heartburn


In most cases, the tablets are used to quickly soak the chest, which not only does not solve the problem, but the situation worsens. Therefore, Unikauskas says that it is best not to cause heartburn and adds that there are simple ways to forget the cause of heartburn.

Food is the main cause of chest blight.

"Not all foods that cause chest burn are the same for everyone. You must write a food diary for at least two weeks in order to distinguish between foods that cause you heartburn. These foods are divided into two parts. Some do not work immediately: their side effects can only appear after a week, others are so acute that they start chewing the esophagus themselves, not yet in the body. Stomach, "says A. Unikauskas.

For some, chest burns are caused by inappropriate body position. Caffeine can also cause unpleasant sensations. It forces the esophagus to relax.

"Heartburn is usually caused by three causes: food, sleep and caffeine," Unikauskas concludes. The most important thing, according to him, is to recognize your type of heartburn and it will then be very easy to fight or get rid of it.

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