How to prevent infections during pregnancy?


When and why do you worry?

In female bad infections, women often suffer from a change in bad hormones, an immune deficiency (especially during the third trimester of pregnancy) and an increased urinary frequency during the pregnancy.

"Everyone should be treated to cope with disturbing symptoms." The inflammation of the bad can cause both repeated spontaneous abortions, premature birth or inflammation of the urinary tract.On the first visit to an obstetrician -gynecologist, all pregnant women are examined looking for a possible obsessive-compulsive disorder.For women who already complain of excessive or unpleasant odor during pregnancy, the infection should be diagnosed and treated compulsorily ", warns doctor L. Čiaplinskien.

In general, the symptoms of badl discharge seem quite clear: change in the amount of excretion, consistency, odor, itching, itching, burning, badual tenderness with the partner, urinary pain, abdominal pain, badl swelling or dryness.

The inflammation of the bad during pregnancy is often mistaken for fetal water flow, but it is important to understand that badl inflammation is characterized by an unpleasant odor and the nature of abundant secretions. At this time, during the flow of fetal waters, the flow is odorless, transparent and liquids flow very abundantly.

The most common inflammation

According to L. Čiaplinskienė, the most common badl inflammations are bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, chlamydiosis, trichomoniasis, herpes infection, badl stroke inflammation caused by group streptococcus B, which is why it is useful to discuss each of these diseases in more detail.

Bacterial vaginosis – One of the most common badl infections during pregnancy and is diagnosed approximately 25%. pregnant women. This starts when lactate bacilli decrease in the bad and increase the number of other bacteria. As this infection increases the risk of miscarriage and neonatal complications, it should not be considered negligence. The most common symptom of bacterial vaginosis is an unpleasant smell of badl discharge. When diagnosing bacterial vaginosis, your doctor will treat you with candles, badl cream or oral pills depending on your pregnancy. The partner does not need to be treated unless the disease recurs.

Fungal infection (badl candidiasis or lily of the valley). The increase of estrogen and progesterone hormone levels during pregnancy promotes the growth of fungi. Fungal infections during pregnancy are about 2 to 10 times more common than normal. The most common symptoms of fungal infections include: burning and itching in the bad, redness and swelling of the bad, thick, yellowish badl discharge, the smell of which may look like baked bread. The disease is diagnosed on the basis of clinical symptoms and badl smear. Usually this infection is treated with creams or badl candles. Your doctor may also prescribe antifungal medications. It is recommended to treat the partner only with recurrent badl fungal infections.

Group B Streptococci. This is one of the most dangerous infections in the newborn, which can also cause a lot of harm to the mother. Most pregnant women can infect the bladder, endometritis (inflammation of the uterus) and kill the newborn. In most cases, this infection causes no symptoms in pregnant women; therefore, all women are screened for this bacteria within 35 to 37 weeks of pregnancy. If the results are positive, pregnant women are treated with antibiotics during pregnancy. You may be infected with Group B streptococcus if you have a premature birth, if you have had fetal water in the beginning or if you have started having a fever during delivery. Chlamydia is a badually transmitted infection that can lead to many complications during pregnancy. Pregnant women with chlamydia can cause cervical cancer (inflammation of the cervix), thrombocytopenia at birth, and bleeding during pregnancy. In the second stage of delivery, chlamydia can also be infected. The most common symptoms of chlamydia – badl discharge smell, unpleasant smell of greenish yellow, pain and burning sensation during intercourse. Antibiotic treatment is given to the woman and her partner.

Trichomoniasis is a badually transmitted infection that must be treated during pregnancy. Antibiotic treatment is given to both partners.

Hereditary infection (hysterical or l & # 39; herpes) Genital infections (about 80%) are caused by the second type Herpes simplex virus (HSV). Infected by direct contact during intercourse. The fruits can also be infected during childbirth. The disease occurs in the area of ​​pruritus and bad mutilation, herpetic eruptions in the form of vesicles to the external badia, bad, cervix. You may have increased the lymph nodes of the groin, the temperature, you can start to feel pain during urination. HSV infection can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, fetal mucosal development of the lining of the mucosa and even death, there is a risk that the newborn is infected with the virus. The mortality rate of neonates infected with this infection is 60%. It is therefore very important to consult a doctor in case of symptoms.

Prophylaxis tends to be natural

"I can say without fear that pregnant women often do not know how to take proper care of personal hygiene during pregnancy.In practice, I often meet women infected by the use of linens.It disturbs the circulation of air, promotes bacterial growth and affects the badl microflora, "said Lina Čiaplinskienė.

In order to avoid a complete list of dangerous diseases, the obstetrician-gynecologist recommends to go natural – wear waterproof underwear, avoid tight pants and tights, do not use soaps flavored products, detergents and hygiene products, and buy them only in pharmacies. During pregnancy, it is recommended to avoid prolonged swimming in pools, hot tubs and try to drain wet swimming for a long time as it promotes the development of badl inflammation.

"Nutrition is also not the last place: Sweet carbohydrate based yeast foods should be avoided as they negatively affect the badl pH and provide excellent conditions for the development of mushrooms. that contain Lactobacillus acidophilusBacteria because they can help restore the natural microflora of the bad, use good bacteria – both local and oral, vitamins for pregnant women "- reminds the clinic" mother and child "obstetrician-gynecologist, and after the infection is advisable not to forget and natural remedies – wash the bad anti-inflammatory properties of the decoction of calendula or chamomile.

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