How to protect your eyes for a modern person?


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In the morning, we look more often at the phone screen than the waking nature, and in the evening we end up in front of the television or while we sleep on the same phone before bedtime – the eyes of 39, a modern man work all day. And the work they do is intense, especially when the weather is still hard with plenty of natural light. Pharmacist Marius Lukštaraupis says that he noticed that many people are seeking help for torn and falling eyes, especially during the colder periods of the year. Eye disease experts have also warned that excessive screening is becoming increasingly problematic for schoolchildren.

"Eyes are a vital organ, but their health may be less likely than others. Headaches, muscles and stomach pains signal the problem and we overcome it. We tend to "dry" and dry our eyes, a temporary problem that nighttime sleep will resolve. Unfortunately, this is not the case: a seemingly small problem can become a serious vision problem in the long term. It is therefore important to take care of your eyesight, avoid eyestrain, to ensure a relaxing relaxation regime without forgetting your eyes, "says Lukštaraupis.

Enemy eye – blue light

One of the factors that influence our vision is the blue light emitted by various screens. What is Blue Light is the greatest energy emitted by a human being. That's why blue radiation goes further than ultraviolet rays and reaches the retina.

We use most of the day on computers, smart phones and TVs. For example, Lithuanians spend an average of 3 hours a day on television. 56 minutes, 2017 Kantar TNS Data. All these screens are the main source of blue light. Intense rays cause an oxidation process that kills photoreceptors in the eye. With the disappearance of these photosensitive cells, various visual diseases, such as cataracts, begin to develop and retinal changes are favored. Although we badociate visual impairment with people of more advanced age, the excessive use of technology for eye diseases is a good thing.

Ophthalmologist Daina Šatienė noted the upward trend in the number of adults and children with different visual impairments.

"The reason is simple: computerization of computers, because children are used to screens at a very young age, and parents often do not control the amount of time they spend on television, on a computer, or on a tablet. There is a growing incidence of eye diseases in children, such as dry eye syndrome, when it is necessary to apply moisturizing drops, "says ophthalmologist Ophthalmologist.

According to the specialist, there is also an increase in ocular spasms causing myopia without the necessary equipment. The doctor says that children's eyes grow rapidly, especially during their first years of life. Parents should therefore think carefully before giving their calves to their toddlers so that they are calmer. Irresponsible behavior can have long-term consequences.

Consequences of a long work on computer

"Many people complain that objects are far away or worried about seeing a blurred image. This is the result of long hours of work on computer screens, "says ophthalmologist D. Šatienė.

In fact, during work, we rarely leave the screens, we walk, we relax our eyes. Almost a full-time job is focused on central objects and the peripheral image is retrieved outside the retina. The eyeball eventually gets bigger than usual. This is why our vision is getting worse, you have to buy reading glbades and you never imagine daily activities without glbades.

Foods that enhance and strengthen vision

As with other organs, it is important to get enough useful vitamins. Of course, they help prevent vision loss and moderate use of smart devices.

Everyone knows that blueberry berries enhance vision, but what to do during the cold season when fresh berries are not plentiful.

"The active ingredients of blueberries, anthocyanins and lutein strengthen the retinal capillaries, protect the eyes from harmful effects on the environment and help preserve retinal and optic retinas. Lutein also has colorful – red, yellow, orange and so on. – Vegetables and fruits because that is their pigment. Vitamins C, A and B found in blueberries play an important role in ocular mucus production, can maintain eye humidity and slow down aging. That's why a lot of ophthalmic supplements have the active ingredients in blue, "says pharmacist BENU, Mr. Lukštaraupis.

Eye-friendly substances can also be found in other foods. Vitamin A helps the eye to regain light, darkness and color. It is found mainly in fish oil, butter, egg yolk, as well as in the liver of cod and cattle, dairy products, carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, cabbage , spinach, broccoli and other green vegetables, apricots.

Vitamin B2 is necessary for the eye joint – a thin transparent film of connective tissue that connects the eyelid to the eyeball. Excessive eye sensitivity may indicate vitamin B2 deficiency. This vitamin is found mainly in leafy vegetables, buckwheat groats, wheat, brewer's yeast, meat, fish and dairy products, as well as in eggs.

Vitamin C is rich in citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, onions, papaya, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, blackcurrant, strawberry, spinach, kiwi, rose hips. Vitamin E is also beneficial for good vision. Natural sources of vitamin E include wheat germ, corn, nuts, spinach, olives, asparagus, avocado, corn, flax, sunflower.

Eye Health – Regular Eye Exercise and Exercise

"To keep your vision clear, first change your work habits: take an hour to work on a computer, relax for a few minutes, get out at lunch time, talk to your colleagues and do not read the news on the computer or on the phone, "advises the pharmacist BENU.

Avoid blue light as much as possible. Of course, a complete abandon of the technology will not work, but look for the option "eye comfort" or "blue light filter" in the settings of your phone, tablet and computer. This setting will reduce the amount of blue light coming from the screen, reducing eye fatigue. In addition, leave the navigation completely on the phone before bed, when the room is already twilight or completely dark – the eyes must be particularly tense and quickly tired.

Let's not forget the eye drops. Working in heated enclosed rooms will dry your eyes, redness and hatching. Moderately used eye drops reduce these symptoms and help protect eyes from visual impairment.

In addition, as experts have mentioned, it is advisable to exercise the eyes. Some light exercises for the eyes:

  • Close 6 times and open the anus.
  • Let's look at the distance for 5 seconds with a fast flashing eye, then the next 5 seconds with your finger on the eye. Repeat it 6 times;
  • Let's look around: 6 times clockwise, 6 times – the reverse. The performance is done with both eyes closed and closed;
  • After each exercise, relax in 2-3. Let's close one eye, open the other widely. Close your eyes and relax.
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