In outpatient clinics of the port city – the abundance of overcrowded patients


In the middle of the year, however, more than one calf in the bed is exposed to high temperatures and the symptoms of the disease are more severe during the cold season. Family physicians have confirmed that they have recently become overweight patients.

Critical Virus

High temperatures and a low level of well-being – more than a Clap sailor complains about these days. Not only small, but also grown up.

Parents raising children notice that high temperatures occur suddenly and without explanation. There is no evidence of a cough or a sore throat or other cold symptoms.

However, when one day the high temperatures increase, the next day it falls as if nothing had existed. Thus, it is often badumed that a virus could germinate in the city

The complaints are not surprising

Family doctor Dalia Šalkauskienė and his colleagues confirmed that the tendency to cold prevails these last weeks, especially in children

Patients who complain of ailments badociated with the cold season: sore throat, fever, malaise, etc.

However, doctors do not notice such complaints – they can also be frozen in the summer. All the more so that not only a patient and the same confess are probably overheated.

There is a change of temperature

"More after D. Shalkauskiene, laryngitis, angina, laryngitis and tonsillitis predominate, as there is air conditioners in the air, more frequent air temperature variations, and possibly immune deficiencies, confirming the presence of the thoroughbred

cough, high temperatures for several days It usually takes three to five days

"We do not notice a patient's tendency to be ashamed of a high temperature one day," adds a family doctor. 19659014]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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