In the presidential courtyard – a meeting between detainees and caregivers


On Tuesday, a summer meeting of adopted and guarded children's families is being prepared at the Presidential Palace. Presidents Dalia Grybauskaitė will participate

More than 300 children, parents and children, will be invited for the second time at the invitation of the head of the country.

Festival participants will interact with the ambbadadors of the "For a safe Lithuania" campaign by brothers Remigijus and Algirdas Gataveckas. According to the latest data, the custody of the family will be in families of the family, according to the latest data, by various shows and entertainment, by the Lithuanian Union, Kinologists, Union of Rulers. Currently 2660 children continue to grow, but in recent years they have decreased by one third (3821 children in 2013).

Special attention was paid to Lithuania's goal of creating more efficient care institutions. redevelopment, more rapid

The President's third "Secure Lithuania" presidential campaign was accelerated and a team of specialists and experts met several times with local authorities and shared a good one. experiences, tips and ideas that a successful reform of child welfare can go forward. The meeting stressed the need to reorganize social services, children's homes and health centers, to anticipate the missing measures to prevent children from being sent to homes and to receive family care at home. time.

An excellent example of institutional restructuring is Vilnius, Kaunas, Elektrėnai, Alytus, Visaginas, Kaišiadorys. Currently 23 health care institutions have been restructured in Lithuania and about 500 children from large institutions have been transferred to community children's homes.

Special attention was paid to children's day centers. During the two years of the campaign, 124 crèches were opened. Thanks to the efforts of the campaign, non-governmental organizations and socially responsible enterprises, 10 new day centers were created, 60 additional activities were strengthened, mentors were found for them

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