In the Seimas – a proposal to apply a reduced VAT and firewood


The Seimas "Agreements" offer for the second time last year the reduction of value added tax (VAT) for firewood, wood and straw pellets.

Social Democrats offer the same 9% preferential. According to Social Democrat Juozas Olekas, the VAT exemption should apply not only to residents living in multi-apartment buildings and those who are centralized to heat, but also to those who produce energy. heat independently. According to information provided by the Baltpool energy market, the price of different types of wood has increased by 15-25% during the first half of this year

If the Seimas does it L & # 39; amendment to the law on value added tax would be adopted in 2019.

The initiators of the amendment declare that they would contribute to reduce the underground economy, to respect the obligations of the Lithuania to the European Union on climate control and raising public awareness of fuel choice

pellets of wood and straw and briquettes are subject to 21%. VAT rate

The Seimas did not even consider the amendments to the "rules" and the Social Democrats on the preferential tariff for heating firewood last year.

At the end of the month of August this year, "Trukareti" promises to sign an agreement with the "peasants" and the Social Democratic leaders on cooperation in parliament and the leaders presented 15 proposals for the next legislature.

"Managers" wishes to include in the cooperation agreement a commitment to establish a preferential rate of 9%

Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis has already argued that the exemption from VAT for heating It's not socially correct because it applies to those who are at high value, spacious and luxurious apartments, but it does not use life in private homes and does not heat them up with gas or wood.

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