Sape the young
International Multiple Sclerosis Day was celebrated last week at Klaipėda County's I.Simonaitytė Public Library.
"Maybe for some, the news is that today is the day of multiple sclerosis – Neringa Venckiene, president of the Society of Multiple Sclerosis Patients of Klaipeda County, has taken speech on the penultimate day of spring. " Every disease has its day. "
World Multiple Sclerosis Day also celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Society. It has been run for 20 years by N.Venckienė.
According to the President of the Society, I would like to highlight the relevance of multiple sclerosis as a disease of young people and of working age. After hearing this diagnosis, many hopes and dreams are broken. The support and understanding of the friends of destiny are therefore essential.
N.Venckienė is also congratulated that the port city is one of the three centers of multiple sclerosis in Lithuania.
Povilas Beleziūnas, a neurologist at the Multiple Sclerosis Center at Klaipėda University Hospital, said more people are aware of the disease itself and new ways to treat it on International Day of Remembrance. .
Not for everybody
According to P. Benezoon, multiple sclerosis is not a new disease. It was known in the Middle Ages when blind or paralyzed youth suffered temporary paralysis. After a while, the symptoms disappeared. There was then no possibility to diagnose the disease accurately.
Around the world, multiple sclerosis affects around 2.5 million people. people. This disease is more commonly diagnosed in northern countries. 2500 patients with multiple sclerosis have been enrolled in Lithuania. It is thought that this figure is much higher, but some people are not diagnosed with the disease.
The average age of patients is about 30 years, but there are cases where the disease is diagnosed in the elderly. This neurological disease can be diagnosed in children and adolescents.
Women are more likely to be sick than men, and it is unclear why the disease is more likely to be affected by bad.
An important birth date
It has been shown that the increased risk of having a baby is in late spring, while it is less sun early in pregnancy and that vitamin D is lacking.
Studies in Canada and northern Europe show that the higher the risk of illness in May, the lower the risk of being born in November.
The neurologist discussed interesting research on twins. In countries where sunny days are moderately dwarf, an enlarged twin has multiple sclerosis, although the same twin with the same genetics that grew up in a sunny country outweighs the disease.
Multiple sclerosis can also be at the origin of viral infections. For people who do not get sick, the doctor has recommended not adding vitamin D supplement or preventing infections during the cold season.
"Most Lithuanians lack vitamin D, so it's not necessary to constantly check your blood levels during the cold season, take a break and do not take this vitamin unless it's been summer." ", stressed the doctor.
Not settled immediately
"Multiple sclerosis is difficult to diagnose because any symptom can be attributed to this disease, which is particularly difficult when the disease begins with fatigue, sometimes it takes until the diagnosis is made," he explained. the neurologist.
According to Belezone, some of the features of multiple sclerosis are more typical of this disease and occur more often in a few.
The disease can be suspected in cases of nerve inflammation and abdominal and urinary problems, the latter appearing respectively at 50% and 75%. the ill.
Sexual, coordination, sensory or eye movement disorders can also signal a disease. The doctor mentioned the case of multiple sclerosis in a young man who had not even been affected by a low rate of alcohol.
Satellite standing – fatigue
One of the biggest problems for patients is pain. More than 50% of patients with different types of pain are confronted daily. 40 percent patients suffer from insomnia and constant sleep during the night.
Belezone hopes that these patients will soon be able to fall asleep with the medical treatment of recently authorized cannabis: their low doses will help improve sleep and mood. Admittedly, this measure is quite expensive and will not be compensated by the state until now.
Fatigue is one of the most common signs of multiple sclerosis. That's up to 90%. sick people.
Frequent satellites – depression and anxiety. Studies have shown that some emotional disorders occur in more than two-thirds of patients.
The neurologist regretted that there are no qualified psychiatrists working in Lithuania with multiple sclerosis patients, although psychiatrists are consulted by other specialists from other regions of the world.
When the baby is a problem
According to P. Benezur, pregnancy is a serious problem of multiple sclerosis. Many young women dream of the baby, but after birth, two-thirds of women worsen, although the pregnancy itself runs smoothly.
It is also problematic that many of the medications prescribed for this neurological condition are not available to pregnant or badfeeding women. Despite the fact that the current treatment of multiple sclerosis allows you to choose from 10 types of drugs and to choose an individual treatment for each patient.
Some patients may also receive new generation drugs on trial, if necessary.
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