Inga Valinskiene: "I'm doing my best to be good"


In the past, the idea of ​​becoming a grandmother, Inga, was somewhat alarmed: "I imagined it would be some kind of terrible scene when I would feel terribly old. not feel old, "the interpreter is now happy.

Inga Valinskienė on the program / Photo of the organizers

Inga Valinskienė on the program / Photo of the organizers

Inga told him that from half the time, he was asking the children if they were still not expecting a revival of family vitality. After such a question, the son told him: "Stop, mother, no," and after half an hour she did an ultrasound.

"At first, I did not understand what was shown here, I could do it differently, and so I look at it differently," – Inga shares the funny memories.

Inga Valinskienė on the program / Photo of the organizers

Inga Valinskienė on the program / Photo of the organizers

Until now, the eldest son of Valinskas, Arūnas, recently received the child of his daughter, lived with the parents, but he will soon move with his family to a separate apartment. The conductors joked that Inga was taking children home.

"No, I can not at all, I even suggested living together, but the desire for a great, at least my walk, did not succeed," joked I. Valinskienė.

Drivers continued to provoke Inga. They asked if she was a good guy.

Inga Valinskienė on the program / Photo of the organizers

Inga Valinskienė on the program / Photo of the organizers

"I think I'm good about it, but since we all tend to think about ourselves, maybe I could get some sort of slander, but up to now, they do not even mean me." have not spoken aloud.But I strive to be a good antithetist, try not to intercede, not to study nor to teach, "said I. Valinskienė .

According to her, a very good tradition is to meet children and grandchildren on Sundays. "Even the south I would do everything, if I do not have a concert," the artist murmured.

During the program, the young grandmother was tested – she had to show how she could take care of the baby at the same time and cook her milk for it.

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