Interesting and probably a lot of incredible facts about coffee

[ad_1] presents interesting facts about one of the most popular drinks of all time, and the fact presented at the end of the article is likely to be much appreciated by many .

1. The strength of coffee can not be measured

It turns out that there is no strong or weak coffee. It is not possible to measure the strength of coffee, coffee is judged by many other parameters.

2. The best time for coffee

If you drink coffee, choose the right time to get energy. You can calculate the exact time depending on the levels of cortisol in the body. The majority of people in the body have the highest levels of cortisol from 8 to 9 hours. and from 12 to 13 hours The last time the cortisol dances from 5.30pm to 6.30pm Coffee is better to drink when you feel tired. After the last hop of cortisol, do not start coffee as this could cause sleep problems.

3. Interaction with drugs

German scientists have studied that caffeine enhances the effect of badgesics.

4. Duration of exposure to coffee

If at 9 o'clock drink coffee, 13 hours Only 100 mg of coffee will be left in the body. But if you take coffee after 3 pm, keep it awake until it sleeps.

5. It is best to consume Grind coffee beans in less than 15 minutes.

Do not leave the coffee beans chopped, use within 15 minutes. The ground coffee beans kept longer lose their aroma, their tastes, and it is difficult to distinguish the types of coffee.

6. How to grow coffee beans

To pick a kilo of coffee beans, you must grasp the beans of two coffee makers. Kavamed grows for three years before the coffee beans can be picked up.

7. Valve in coffee package

By pressing the valve, you can feel a coffee flavor to see if the coffee is fresh or not. However, this is not the main function of the valve. His presence shows that the coffee was packed, as soon as it was roasted and ground into coffee beans. When the grains are sprinkled, a large amount of carbon dioxide is formed, so if there is no valve, the flow of coffee will explode.

8. Caffeine affects the achievements of athletes

Caffeine increases the level of adrenaline in the body and releases fatty acids from adipose tissue, which helps to get good results in sports or exercises.

9. Coffee beans eaten

Coffee beans are fruits, so no surprise that once eaten beans. The peoples of Africa mixed animal fat with minced coffee beans made from these mbades of pellets and ate them for energy.

10. The strength of coffee

For many people, the more colored the coffee, the darker the color, the more caffeine in the coffee. But coffee roasting is not related to caffeine, caffeine remains the same. When the grains are roasted, the moisture evaporates, the grains seem bigger.

Another fact is that drinking a lot of coffee thins

Coffee promotes the production of cortisol in the body, which tends to make sweets and sugar. Caffeine consumption interferes with the sleep cycle, so it is forbidden to use the information published by DELFI on other sites, in the media or elsewhere, or to distribute our material without consent, and if the consent is obtained, it is necessary to specify DELFI as a source.

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