Lithuanian singer Egidijus D., still known as Selo, caused a sensation in Klaipėda's quiet life last weekend. The star of the uninterrupted folk music has arranged something beautiful for some, and for some, there is a good concert, but not everyone, especially those in the Forest District, are happy with it. Patients at the Tuberculosis Hospital, near Estrada in the summer, have survived, let the young people be heard and hurt them, their cause is there, but why this thunder of the Hell does it suffer from others? – commented a nephew of Klaipėda. "We are forced to listen to Selo, and we do not hear music, but terrible blows on the head: it is impossible to be at home, why is this creature lacking in hygienic standards, why does it shorten our life? "asked another dissatisfied woman at Selo's concert, taking into account the problem," Cocktail "publishes a survey of the population of Forest District.
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The secret of the family
The chicken asks the mother of the chicken:
– Mother, and I brought a stork
– Yeah, son , do not say to your father (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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