It is now the best time to treat veins and capillaries!


The enlarged veins or capillaries in various parts of the body are a very common problem that exacerbates the summer. The blood of the heat is expanding and causes a lot of discomfort. This is particularly visible in the legs: fatigue, difficulty, cramp-like pains, etc. Why doctors at the Kaunas Biofirst Clinic will explain why the cold season is best for treating blood vessels.

– Treatment of varicose veins, dilated veins and capillaries is only an aesthetic issue?

– Truly not. When a disease progresses when a person is sick for several years, the calf scabies contracts and brown spots appear. Can open trophic ulcers, not hurt. When the infection begins, the inflammation of the damaged tissue begins, which leads to further deterioration of the bloodstream. Acute thrombophlebitis is a complicated complication of varicose veins. It causes the formation of a blood clot on the surface of the vein of the vein. Without timely treatment, it spreads and can penetrate deep veins, causing thrombosis. It is already a very dangerous complication that can lead to sudden death of the patient.

– Is there a way to solve this problem nonsurgically?

– Yes, for example – Sclerotherapy with foam. It is performed by injection of foam prepared from the drug (according to a special procedure). A drug that reacts to the wall of the vein causes its stroke from within and after a few weeks, the vein is completely sufficient. Since the blood flow is no longer in progress, the vein gradually becomes invisible.

– Could you tell us more about this method?

– As this is not an operation, special preparation before the procedure is not necessary. Three to four treatments are most often needed to treat widened venous sepsis and sometimes more needs to be done. The puncture site of the needle is red, a small pain is felt. However, this does not prevent the patient from walking. Most often, the sclerosing veins are sensitive to touch, we feel discomfort. These symptoms last from one to seven days. The first day after the intervention, itching may appear, depending on the severity of the disease being treated. It is recommended to use compressed socks to prevent any adverse event.

– What causes red faces?

The skin of the face can rot for several reasons. The most common of these are the pink – a chronic acne-like disease, often exacerbated, that affects less often the central part of the face (the cheeks and nose, the chin and the center of the forehead ). Pink is characterized by two clinical components: dilated blood vessels (telangiectasia) and an acne-like rash with pink nodules, fleas, cysts and sebaceous glands. Vascular dermatology is another common problem on the skin: angiomas, visible in the skin like red spots, spots or nodules.

– How is redness of the face treated?

– In case of redness of the face, the dermatoverterologist must be referred to the doctor, because different conditions affecting it can be treated in different ways. In most cases, laser treatment is particularly effective. The principle of operation of the yellow light laser is common for both the removal of vascular cutaneous structures and for the pink facial correction: the blood in the enlarged capillaries or in the network of small blood vessels forming a couprease (redness), absorbs the laser light and consequently the walls of the blood vessels swell and their brightness is sufficient.

– Can you tell me more about this procedure?

– The laser light pulse causes a slight tingling sensation, indicating the effectiveness of the treatment. In this way, the blood vessels and capillaries are removed for a long time without causing side effects and without leaving scars. Since the procedure is painless, local anesthesia is usually unnecessary. The duration of the procedure depends on the extent of the damage and can range from a few minutes to several minutes. After treatment, redness, swelling and / or feeling of heat may be observed. To achieve the desired result, there are several procedures, sometimes one. Small vessels are removed in 1-3 procedures with a few weeks break, but larger lesions, especially on the legs, may require more procedures.

The Biofirst Clinic is located at: Studentų g. 37 years old, Kaunas. Such. Register: +370 686 40 115. More information about the clinic:, el. mail: [email protected]

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