"It really reminds me of Meilutytė" – what is it about, a new princess of swimming who has improved the record of Rūta? | Sport


Less than a month after the withdrawal of Rūta Meilutytė from the sport, a badfeeding girl even more quickly declared herself during the competition in Kaunas.

Smiltė Plytnikaitė, aged 12, improved the two records for Lithuanian girls up to 13 years old.

She sailed on a 100m safe in 15.42 seconds on Tuesday. is 0.14 sec. has improved the results of Rūta Meilutyte since 2010.

Wednesday, a record of breaks of 50 m (34.53 seconds), owned by Monika Račkauskaite, whose old result (34.66 seconds) withstood the storm of young R.Meilutytė.

"I think we can bring these records with Rūta Meilutyte – his feats and fame at the London Olympics and the boom that brought many kids to swimming pools, including Smiltė," Vilnius coach Kęstutis Steponavičius said. S. Plytnikaitė.

Welcome to the meeting with Meilutyte

S.Pttnikaite was only five years old when her grandfather took her to the 25-meter Impuls basin of Vilnius Zirmunai district, where she worked as a trainer at K.Steponavičius.

Former basin "Zyyna" of Panevėžys, town of Danas Rossys origin, K.Steponavičius began to train a fast veterinarian and a very energetic girl.

Photo by Erin Ovcharenko / 15min / Coach Kęstutis Steponavičius and Smiltė Plytnikaitė

Photo by Erin Ovcharenko / 15min / Coach Kęstutis Steponavičius and Smiltė Plytnikaitė

At first, she was bathing and playing, but slowly, the results began to improve.

"Puberty is early and the physical data is excellent. The sand is not high but physically very strong. The force does not come down on the boys. His legs are very strong, it's no coincidence that they are invited to the running, "said K. Steponavičius.

The visit of R.Meilutytė a few years ago a summer day in the Impuls basin, when the world record holder with the coach of the then Paulius Andrijauskas appeared unexpectedly to training in Vilnius, added inspiration to S.Pttnikaite.

She was very happy when R.Meilutytė greeted the young swimmers and photographed them. "For the sand, it was something" vau ", – recalled K. Steponavičius.

Looking at the water and Yrius, she really reminds me of R.Meilutytė, 12 years old.

Two years pbaded and Plytnikaitė improved R.Meilutytė's record in the first race organized by Rūta Giedrius Martinionis coach in Kaunas.

"She was very surprised," said Plytnikaitė after seeing Martin Martin. – Good technique, good feeling of water. You see, there are vicars and suddenly. He even appeared to me younger than twelve – nine or ten because it's okay.

However, when you look at the water and Yrius, it really reminds me of R.Meilutytė, 12 years old.

Photo by Erin Ovcharenko / 15min / Silence Plytnikaitė and Giedrius Martinionis

Photo by Erin Ovcharenko / 15min / Silence Plytnikaitė and Giedrius Martinionis

Fast in different ways

R.Meilutyte still holds many Lithuanian records, including 13 years of swimming in different ways.

Strong in other respects and S.Pttnikaitė. "Maybe the sand is weaker than the back, but it's quick to bow and freestyle. We try to develop all the ways to swim, although it is better for the chest, "said K. Steponavičius.

He thinks that the character of a young swimmer is suited to great sport.

"She fights and works, even though she likes to go dick.Open, easy to communicate and dynamic, it can have a crisp feature just before the start.This is a nice feature" , appreciated K.Steponavičius.

Although she has already awarded a handful of awards in her international competitions, Plytnikaitė has not yet participated in the European Youth Swimming Championships or the European Youth Olympic Games – they have all wait in the years to come and beyond.

The big plot is she, can she follow in Meilutyt's footsteps in the water further?

Photo of Erich Ovcharenko / 15min / Silence Plytnikaitė

Photo of Erich Ovcharenko / 15min / Silence Plytnikaitė

Surprised by the phenomenon of the swimmer's chest

S.Pttnikaitė is currently training less than R.Meilutytė of the same age.

Ruta, 12, was already at least three times a week in the morning before the clbad, at least 10 workouts a week at G. Martininis.

S.Pttnikaitė flies 5 to 7 times a week, which leaves a greater reserve for the growth of results.

"The recent Smiltė results are due to talent rather than work. We do not want to push it now – bigger loads should come later.

Now, the most important is the swimming technique, although this is the most boring thing for children, "said Steponavičius.

One more reason may be mystical to wait for the high results of Plytnikaitė: an exclusive Lithuanian talent to go bankrupt.

The four Olympic champions and winners of swimming – Arvydas Juozaitis (bronze in 1976), Lina Kayatyytė (gold of 1980), Robert Žulpa (gold of 1980) and R.Meilutytė (gold of 2012) have flocked for the honor Olympic. bads.

The current hopes of Lithuanian swimming in women's competitions are also present – Agnė Šeleikaitė, 19, and Catherine Teterevkova, 17, on the honorary stage of the Youth Olympic Games in Argentina.

Photo of Cyprus Teterevkova, Photo of Cyprus

Photo of Cyprus Teterevkova, Photo of Cyprus

"In a way, a phenomenon," he was surprised by G. Martinionis, who trained R. Meilutyt for twelve years, when she moved to England with her family and became a coach to John Brown.

I do not know what progress could be made by S. Plytnikaitė.

For example, Martinionis calculated that K.Teterevkova at later maturity had lost 2 seconds a year in recent years – from 1 min. 10 seconds up to 1 min. 8 seconds, and this progression would be perfect for the young record holder.

On the other hand, R.Meilutyt has made a breakthrough during the Olympic year. 2011 At the age of 14, R.Meilutytė also improved the Lithuanian adult record of this event (1 min 8.87 seconds) at the European Youth Olympic Games in Turkey. After a year at the Olympic Games, she reached a European record with more than 100 meters of distance. min. 5.21 sec.

Photo by Alfredas Pliadzi / Rūta Meilutytė in 2011.

Photo by Alfredas Pliadzi / Rūta Meilutytė in 2011.

A year later, in Barcelona, ​​Ruth reached the world record of the time (1 min, 4.35 sec.), Which lasted four years (until it was improved by l & # 39; 39; American Lilly King), although Martinionis still thinks that Ruth was able to swim even faster.

"She was strong at birth and Rudd created a big muscle for her, even though she did not need it at all," said Martinionis.

He now considers that in the case of a young fledgling swimming talent, the maturation period during which the female body body lowers, the bones grow and the joints become more vulnerable will determine greatly .

In any case, the current coach of S.Pttnikaitė K.Steponavičius does not intend to hasten the tests.

"It is very amusing that the efforts made are already fruitful, but we have not yet achieved the best scores," said the coach. – We do not want to highlight the current results, because this is just the beginning.

The goal is not a record. Now, the most important thing is not to be distracted, it's my duty and my parents' responsibility to ensure that she is not distracted, so that we all keep our heads calm. "

Photo of Erich Ovcharenko / 15min / Silence Plytnikaitė

Photo of Erich Ovcharenko / 15min / Silence Plytnikaitė

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