Jennifer Lopez celebrates her 49th birthday: 4 tips to keep her youthful


1. Tracy Anderson Method

If you want to have a strong abdominal press like Jenny from the Bloc, have fun. In order to retain a great figure, the singer coaches with a celebrity sports trainer. According to Tracy Anderson, different body muscles are sequentially trained. To do this, you must perform different exercises and follow a diet plan

This method is as famous as Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Kardashian and Victoria Beckham

2. Portion Control

Si you exceed the daily calorie intake recommended every day, it will be difficult to maintain a slim figure.
Reducing your portion of food will ensure you do not overeat.

J. Lopez admitted that there is "the man who controls large portions."

If you eat a portion of your daily food intake, then you do not have to give up your favorite meals.

3. Removal of toxins

The luster of J. Lopez's skin helps to appear young. She said that she keeps her youth by avoiding toxins.

Not only does she not drink alcohol, but she also tries to eat the most natural and clean food to avoid the harmful substances contained in the products being treated. Alcohol, I do not cook and I will avoid caffeine. Growing up, it really damages your skin, "she admitted.

4. Long Sleep

Fatigue immediately stops bright eyes – bags under the eyes and dark rabbits never add beauty.

To look radiant, J. Lopez strives to spend enough time relaxing.

but it also gives him energy during training.

"I would like to sleep nine or ten hours, but I can not do it, but seven or eight hours of sleep are mandatory, if you do not sleep, I do not feel well." I started to feel mad, emotional and constantly tired, "said J. Lopez

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