Judge Kaziukaitye did not believe he saw his injury


For the murder of Matuka, who danced for the whole of Lithuania, Monika Kaziukaitytė, a 16-year-old imprisoned woman, asked the court of appeal to acquit her. However, the heart of the college of judges has not softened the arguments of the convicted person or his supporters. She stays behind bars and the trouble is not shortened. The judges are not opposed – the child was cruelly tortured.

"The punishment will not be restored to him." There is no difference. He will not come back. It is not disgusting, incomprehensible here, "said Monika Kaziukaitytė, a mother of Matukas, who was murdered in a scapegoating speech in Kaunas Regional Court last June.

However, after hearing the verdict – 16 years in the dungeon – the views of the convicted person and his supporters changed and they appealed the decision. The Court of Appeal was asked to acquit Kaziukaiteti, mainly because of the inappropriate behavior of the child and, ultimately, the murder itself. However, the arguments of the judges' panel, Mr Kaziukaitytė, that she did not seem to have harmed the child and took no action in case of bad luck, fearing a living cohort, were not convinced.

According to Judge Albinas Bielski, neighbors told him that before the tragedy, he had learned that he was riding a child, he had been insulted by uncensored words.

"Kaziukaity itself does not deny that the words that humiliate the child are solved, only denies their systematic use, but it is clear from the record that the child has been constantly humiliated," Judge Albinas Bielskis said.

The judge recalls that the child was hit by 118 strokes including 10 to the head. The doctors tried to rescue the guy had badured him that he had not seen the little injured. This was also confirmed by the judges after reviewing the photos of four year olds being rebuilt.

"In this case, it does not matter who caused the injury that blew the blood through the hard surfaces of the brain, the cause of Matuk's death.The two broke, both of whom understood what the consequences might be", said A. Bielski.

And it is not broken the finger – it is said that the child was violently beaten for a long time. When you hold the mattress not only by hand, but also by the belt of the phone charger. The judges did not change the sentence imposed on Mr. Kaziukaityt and his behavior when the child was beaten.

"She was lying down and went to the job exchange, then to the store, then to the pharmacy, bought an badgesic, medication and instilled a baby.That way, as he was trying to to revive it, but when he lost consciousness, it was obvious that such measures were not enough to save the child's life, "said the judge.

Mr Kaziukaitytė's lawyer asked the court of appeal that, if his defense was not justified, the sentence would be relaxed at least. The panel of judges was dismissed and it is an adequate sanction. Mr. Kaziukaitytė himself did not attend the meeting. She does not complain about her cohesive beliefs.

Admittedly, after 19 years in a Lithuanian prison, a man can end up in a German prison cell. Because he's suspected in 2015 with a group of accomplices in Bochum, who committed an armed robbery.

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