July 27 – The Longest of the 21st Century Lunar Eclipse What do you need to know?


By way of comparison, in 2019 January 21 the lunar eclipse that will be seen by the peoples of North and South America and Western Europe and the United States. In Africa, the complete eclipse phase will take an hour and two minutes. And the solar eclipse is much shorter. For example, the eclipse observed in August 2017 did not last more than three minutes

Why are eclipses different?

Solar Eclipses – When the Moon blocks sunlight – It is still much shorter than lunar eclipses The Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon. According to Kaisa Young, astronomer at Nichols State University (USA), "if we look out of the country, we see that the solar eclipse is a phenomenon when we are not in the dark. A small moon casts a small shadow on a large planet The eclipse of the moon occurs when a large planet casts a large shadow on a small moon, says the astronomer.

When the moon closes, the solar eclipse occurs, the darkness – complete shade, in which the sunlight is not completely visible – kilometer in diameter, and it moves quickly on the surface During this time, the metamorphosis of the Earth is very large, covering the entire Moon, and if the Moon is to cross the Earth's shadow through its midst, this journey takes a long time. [19659005TherearesignificantdifferencesbetweendifferentmoonsorsolareclipsessaysYoungAlltheseelementsaredeterminedbythespecificpositionintheeclipseoftheSuntheEarthandtheMoon

The orbits around the Earth do not coincide and are not parallel: the angle between them is about 5 degrees. The orbits of the Earth around the Sun The moon crosses twice in 27 days – so it turns around the Earth. This is one of the key factors on which eclipses depend.

About twice in 11 months, these Earth's orbit planes match the light, and our planet and satellite are right. Such an arrangement takes place when the moon falls in the middle (then there is an eclipse of the sun), the other when the earth appears (then the moon darkens)

That's why the eclipses of the sun and the moon are almost always weeks, and so each year eclipses occur 2 or 4 times.

Moreover, not all eclipses are the same, since the 11-month cycle is not perfectly regular and stable. The distribution of stars, planets and satellites is sometimes far from perfect and the shadow of the moon barely covers the Earth – for example, on July 13, the solar eclipse was almost exclusively on the island of Tasmania

so precisely in the middle between the Sun and the Earth as its shadow glides towards the equator or near it. Such eclipses take a lot longer, says Young.

The last factor determining the duration of the eclipse is the time of year. In July, the Earth reaches the point of its orbit farthest from the Sun, while the Sun in the sky is the smallest area compared to other times of the year. This means that it is easier for the moon and the earth to protect the sun at once, and eclipses last longer. The longest eclipse occurs when the northern hemisphere has summers, and the shortest are when there is a winter.

And on July 27, when the sun is in the dark, sunlight is the largest and eclipse shadow

. Eclipse, when the moon almost exactly hits the Earth and the Sun, reaches almost the maximum possible theoretical length.

Eclipse in Lithuania

Eclipse in Lithuania from beginning to end will take 5 hours and 9 minutes, we will be able to observe the total eclipse for 1 hour, 42 minutes and 56 seconds The moon will arrive at 21:19, and already at 9:24 pm its edge will begin to darken. The beginning of the complete eclipse is 22:30, the end is 00:13. The partial eclipse will end at 1:19

It is true that observers of the Moon will not withstand the weather: current projections indicate that July 27

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