The motto of the World Day Against Hepatitis is "Test It – Heal Hepatitis!" Various forms of viral hepatitis are infected each year by many people around the world. Health experts point out that although we have heard of the origin of liver liver damage, but the vigilance of infected people is asleep, because at least half of them feel good. Most infected people do not even know that there are virus carriers. Thus, the virus is distributed in society, and in the long term without treatment, it can develop cirrhosis of the liver, a primary cancer of the liver.
Besimptama deceptive disease
The symptoms are not specific, difficult to distinguish from other diseases. The appearance of hepatitis is characterized by general weakness of the organs, joint pain, lack of appetite, fever, diarrhea. Often, when you notice these signs, "write them down" to other viral diseases.
First, you need to pay attention to the pain of pain, changes in skin color and urine. According to the experts, if you feel discomfort on the right side of the body, the urine is clear and the urine is dark, suddenly yellows the skin or the ocular mucosa, it is urgent to go to a center health. almost everywhere in the world and nearly 1.4 million deaths a year due to diseases related to the hepatitis virus. Although the Center's statistics on communicable diseases and AIDS indicate that the incidence of acute hepatitis B and C in Lithuania has decreased in the last decade, it does not necessarily reflect the current situation: the symptoms of Hepatitis B are usually asymptomatic. -6 months after infection – informs the Department of Communicable Diseases Department of Siauliai. – The most common symptoms are: general feeling of weakness, joint pain, loss of appetite, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, fever, darkening of urine (color of beer), pain or discomfort of right side, eyes and yawning skin. 50-60 percent The infection with viral hepatitis B does harm to no one and feels good, but despite the absence of clinical symptoms, it can infect other people.
In the case of an infection with the hepatitis C virus, the incubation period lasts from 3 to 20 weeks. 60-80% Patients with viral hepatitis C, as well as health problems, do not complain. But 20-30 percent Infected persons have symptoms of acute illness, such as flu-like fatigue, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting, fever, weakness, mild abdominal pain or yellowing skin and eyeballs. Acute viral hepatitis C, only 10-15%. patients have recovered, other 85% (if the disease lasts more than 6 months) develops chronic viral hepatitis C. In 10-15 years, the body develops cirrhosis of the liver and 5-6%.
Epidemiological Incidence
Justina Milašauskaitė, Public Health Promotion Specialist at the National Center for Public Health of the Siauliai Department of Communicable Diseases, reports that in Siauliai County, as in Lithuania, the disease is spreading. Chronic viral hepatitis accounts for the majority of viral hepatitis recorded
In recent years, the incidence of acute viral hepatitis remains low, which does not exceed the standard morbidity level. Acute acute hepatitis cases are not recorded in all administrative areas of Šiauliai County.
"In 2017, 19 cases of viral hepatitis (27 cases in 2016) were recorded in Šiauliai County, of which only 1 case of acute viral hepatitis C and 2 cases of hepatitis Acute viral A have been reported.The case of acute hepatitis C was recorded in Pakruojis district.At the course of the year, 1 case of chronic viral hepatitis was recorded in the county of Šiauliai.O 2017 during the first half – 8 cases, including 2 cases of acute viral hepatitis in the city of Siauliai, – says J. Milašauskaitė .– Viral viral hepatitis B and C sites recorded in Šiauliai County in recent years: medical procedures performed in dental offices, other personal care hospitals, intravenous drug addiction, etc.
Developed by blood and other body fluids [19659003ValidhepatitisBetCsareinfarction-transmissibleinfectionssspécialistesdel'unitédepromotiondelasantéLevirusBestdétectédanspratiquementtouslesfluidesdanslecorpshumaininfectéParticulièrementdangereuxestlesangdelapersonneinfectéeoud'autresfluidesavecdesimpuretésdesangduspermedespertesbadlesLevirusdel'hépatiteBestbeaucoupplusfacileàinfecterquelevirusdel'immunodéficiencehumaine(HIV)parcequeladoseinfectieuseesttrèsfaible
Sexually transmitted and various medical tools and household may compromise the & # 39; bodily integrity: blood transfusion blood or products), through the intermediary of infected needles, intravenous drugs, tattoos, piercing, the use of a toothbrush, a shaving machine, of a manicure. Sad, but a mother infected with the hepatitis B virus can transmit the virus during pregnancy and delivery.
Very rarely, the hepatitis C virus is badually transmitted. It is transmitted by blood during dangerous invasive procedures. It is possible to be infected with the hepatitis C virus at home when the patient or the carrier of the virus and his or her relatives or other persons use common personal effects
"Launcher "Travel
Doctors often treat travelers with hepatitis B and C rides under exotic edges. With the proliferation of long trips traveling and traveling abroad, local customs and less hygienic requirements are sometimes identified, so that the probability of developing infectious diseases, including 39, hepatitis, increases considerably.
to evaluate the incredible risks, and sometimes they tend to rely too much on themselves. Random bad, tattooing or piercing with the help of sterile instruments, the use of infected items such as a toothbrush, shaving, manicure, supply of pedicures, injection of drugs, etc.
Basic Prophylaxis
The Public Health Promotion Section of the Department of Siauliai informs that the most effective preventative measure against viral hepatitis B is vaccination. In Lithuania, since 1998, all newborns have been vaccinated with public funds. People at risk are obliged to receive the vaccine at the expense of the employer, other adults can receive the vaccine at their expense, 3 doses of vaccine are added (standard vaccination schedule: first dose, 1 month and 6 months ). It is recommended to perform blood tests to determine the surface antigen of hepatitis B (HBsAg) before vaccination.
It is recommended to use condoms not to use other people with razor blades, manicure, pedicure, toothbrush, etc. measures. Rubber gloves should be used if you come into contact with blood, tissues, swabs, wounds, etc. that have been damaged by blood or other body fluids. Do not use narcotics and do not share needles, syringes or other injectors with them.
Vaccines against viral hepatitis C are not available today. The remedies are similar; avoid contact with blood or other body fluids, use only sterile instruments, only personal hygiene means.
Not only health professionals, but also other employees who are forced to take care of their infection, because of their occupations may come into contact with blood (police, bar staff, etc.) and other people at risk
Let's not hide if we are infected
"To prevent the spread of hepatitis B or C viruses, inform both health professionals and other Other professionals who perform various procedures, especially invasive, and there is a risk of infection. If you suspect infection with hepatitis B or C virus, you should contact your family doctor immediately. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the rapid diagnosis of the disease, "says J. Milašauskaitė, Public Health Promotion Specialist, Division of Communicable Diseases, Department of Siauliai, National Center for Public Health, Ministry of Health.
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